Rika's Equipment
Equipment Item Weight Number Total Weight Equipment Item Weight Number Total Weight
Dagger  2  1  2 candle   -- -- 
Shortspear  5  1  5 torch   1  1
longbow composite  3  1  3 waterskin  4  1
quiver  1  1 cheese hunk  1/2  1 1/2 
arrows  1/10  13  1.3 loaf of bread  1/2  1  1/2
silver arrows  1/10  2  .2 mutton leg  1/2  1 1/2 
backpack  2  1  2 silk rope 50 ft  5  1  5
bedroll  5  1  5 leather armor  15 
5 counted
 1  15/5
flint and steel15  --  1 --  explorer's outfit 8 1 8
trail rations 1 day  1  7  7 Scorpion's Arrows 1/5 10 2
Dru's Quiver 1 1 1

Additional Equipment Notes
Scorpion's Arrowheads -- Scorpions Arrowheads are evil little arrowheads with a reversed barb on them.  This makes them very difficult and painful to remove.  Each of the barbs is very sharp but the sharp edge must be maintained carefully or it won't push far enough in to be an annoyance.   However the arrowheads only have about 2/3rds the range of a normal arrowhead.

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Tides of Evil