Cainite Clans


    Cainite clans are the direct progeny of one of Caine's childer.  For this reason they share some traits with Caine and some traits with his Childer.
    Each of Caine's childer had natural strengths and weaknesses.  These natural strengths and weaknesses are reproduced each time Caine's progeny create another vampire. Over the centuries and millenia these groups have grown into entire societies of vampires that have banded together by the blood.
    This document includes information about each of these clans within the Camarilla.  It includes information about their strengths (clan disciplines) and their weaknesses (clan flaw).  This document is meant to be used in modern Masquerade games (1990's CE) though could be altered for different time periods with a little work.
    This document will include information on all clans with an origin date.  It is strongly suggested you not allow a character to play a clan that has existed less than 50 years.  Due to the close association within the Masquerade Demonkin are also included in this document with notes about their social structure.  The primary document with information about their physical capabilities will be elsewhere.
    This page is made as a simple explanation of the clans. More indepth looks at each of the clans are being worked on but admittedly a bit slowly.

Clans list
Aeneias (origin date 17,240 BCE)
Alexandrians  (origin date 310 BCE)
Bast  (origin date 2500 BCE)
Bathory (origin date 1535 CE)
Children of Lillith (origin date 16,200 BCE)
Dracaens (origin date 1375 CE)
Followers of Set  (origin date 2450 BCE)
Giovanni (origin date 500 CE)
Hataerae (origin date 17,200 BCE)
Morabu (origin date 12,000 BCE)
Ravnos (origin date 10 CE)
Salubri (origin date 17,200 BCE)
Samedi (origin date 17,200 BCE clan cursed 16,500 BCE)
Tuhadan (origin date in Arcadia 1,108 CE on Earth 2,001 CE)
Virtualites (origin date 2006 CE)
Wanderers (origin date 1586 CE)
Demonkin (John Black's breeding program begun 300 CE)
    (not actually a clan but treated as one socially at least within the Camarilla)

    The Aeneais descend from an African chieftain. Aeneais the clan progenitor, created Enoch for Caine. The Aeneais only Embrace the rulers among mortals. These rulers may be financial wizards or royalty in the modern age. Very rarely an Aeneais childer may simply be one with an incredible potential for rulership but these are only in the direst of circumstances.
The Aeneais are the most common ruler clan within the Camarilla especially in Europe. As a general rule they are found among the upper crust of the mortal world. They fit easily within the elite of the mortal world.
The Aeneais are proud of their leadership role and very protective of it. Most Aeneais feel a strong allegiance to the clan and an incredibly strong hatred for the Aeneais antitribu.

Nickname: Old Men

The Aeneais most often dress as the upper crust. Among the Aeneais the preppy look is definitely in though some of the older Aeneais may dress in clothes that are out of date.

Character Creation
Aeneais have concepts from among the upper crust. Social and business skills tend to be quite good at least one skill will be very good (5+).

Clan Disciplines
Animalism, Dominate, Fortitude, Presence

Clan Weakness
The lower an Aeneais' blood volume the more aged they appear.  For every .25 blood volume points the Aeneais is below full his apparent age increases by 5 years. The aging fades over several minutes once the vampire has fed. Subtract one point from appearance for every additional 10 years of age. After zero appearance is reached there are various stages of hideous on the same scale.

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
The Ghoul of an Aeneais is more tied to the weakness of age.  The longer it has been since they have recieved Aeneias' blood the more their physical appearance ages.  Their physical appearance changes over the course of the month to match their true age at a rate of 10 years per week. The Revenant of an Aeneais ages 35 years / week until their true age is reached.  This can be circumvented by simply giving the character blood each week instead.  The revenant also gets to use their altered age chart.
Ghoul/Revenant Primary Discipline: Presence

Clan Structure
The Aeneais are organized into a tight network of small companies. Each Aeneais controls his own assets owing an overall allegiance to the clan. There is a great respect for age among the clan. An elder advising you is only shy of an order.

Clan Power
The simplest way to gain power among the Aeneais is to live long enough to gain elder status. However, there is an expectation of success among the clan. The ambitious gain status by gaining status and wealth in the mortal world through their own effort. The Aeneais must be very careful not to hurt the interests of another Aeneais without permission for the Aeneais value clan loyalty very highly.

Gathering Days
The Aeneais have two main meetings. A local meeting and a yearly meeting in which area representatives attend. The meetings are very formal parties including some mingling but with a strong sense of purpose. At the beginning all the official announcements are made. Then near the end another announcement period is given for the all new information and decisions are given. These meetings usually go the entire night.
The clan assembles on the day of the new moon. On that day all Aeneais in the area assemble and discuss business and advise. At this meeting recent acquisitions are discussed, new Childer and ghouls are introduced, changes in prestige are announced.
The clan send representatives to an international meetings. All greater business of the clan takes place there. The Aeneais are more than willing to use the technology of the day to keep in touch with any that they have a common business interest with.

The members of this clan are incredibly dedicated scholars. The Alexandrians avoid politics both mortal and vampiric. The Alexandrians spend most of their time trying to futher the knowledge of the clan and to a lesser extent of all vampires. For this reason the Alexandrians are often seen as aloof and disinterested in the world.
The Alexandrians still base themselves in the city of Alexandria Egypt. The Alexandrians hold their entire library in the underground catacombs surrounding the library of Alexandria (though there is rumored to be a copy of the entire library elsewhere).
The Alexandrians are the clan most commonly consulted anytime some esoteric bit of information is needed.

Nickname: Bookworms

The Alexandrians may have just about any appearance though their physical appearance often looks unkept (untidy clothes, uncombed hair etc).

Character Creation
The Alexandrians almost always have high intelligence.  Specialty knowledges are quite common among the clan.  Every clan member will have a specialty knowledge related to their obsession.

Clan Disciplines
Auspex, Fortitude, Katalavehno, Scriptus

Clan Weakness
Each Alexandrian has a quest for knowledge and when presented with a bit of knowledge will tend to forget everything else. This will tend to be along one specific set of mysteries but a related mystery may fascinate them too.
Example: Facination for magical wards, Facination for werecreatures, Facination for gravity.

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
An Alexandrian ghoul shares the fascination of his vampiric master but to a lesser extent. A Revenant also has a quest for knowledge.  The quest for both the ghoul and the revenant can cause them to forget day to day tasks but very seldom causes them to miss important things that they are trying hard not to forget.  Lots of Alexandrian Ghouls/Revenants use day planning and notes for themselves.
Ghoul/Revenant Prmary Discipline:  Auspex

Clan Structure
The Alexandrians are a loosely organized clan except where it comes to the Library. The clan has communicated through letters since the first Alexandrian ventured away from the Library. The Alexandrians have a library in most major cities.
Each Alexandrian is expected to keep a journal depicting the things they have seen during their unlife. These journals are sent to the library of Alexandria. Also each Alexandrian gives two years of her unlife to the continued organization of the Library each 100 years.

Clan Power
The Alexandrians gain prestige by continued scholarly accomplishment. This is generally scholarly writing even if it is not published in the mortal world.

Gathering Days
Every ten years all the Alexandrians meet in Alexandria. At this gathering all Childer are introduced, new researches discussed, and new library organizers are chosen. The Alexandrians meet each year through the use of Katalavehno. Also the Alexandrians tend to keep a close touch with those in related research though the use of their discipline.

The Bast are wanderers, rarely staying in one place for any length of time. There are no real leaders of clan Bast. Their inner Beast while it is the tie that binds them together also holds them apart due to its greatly personal nature.
This clan has a closer relationship with the jungle and the creatures that dwell within than any other clan of vampires. This also gives them a special tie to the Werecreatures.
The Bast originate in Egypt where the progenator of the clan lived as a goddess for centuries.

Nickname: Beasts

Their original appearance can be just about anything though they usually have at least some animal features at the beginning.

Character Creation
Those who become Bast are often those who are comfortable with animals and with the lifestyle of a wanderer. Physical and survival skills are often quite prominent.

Clan Disciplines
Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence, Protean

Clan Weakness
Each Bast's Inner Beast is closely tied to some particular animal. The higher the Bast's Beastial goes the more like that animal they become both physically, emotionally, and mentally. At Beastial 3 they are essentially half-animal half-man while at Beastial 11 they are a vampiric version of theri Inner Beast form. After Beastial 3 they start to take on mental traits of their animal.
Some advantages accompany these changes.

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
A Bast ghoul tends to take on animalistic traits as well but at a much slower rate for at beastial 3 they start taking physical traits of the animal at beastial 5 they are half-animal half-man.  If the ghoul is an animal they become a hodge podge of the Bast's inner beast and their true form. A Revenant goes along the same scale as a Bast for their clan flaw.
Ghoul/Revenant Primary Discipline:  Animalism

Clan Structure
The Bast are often loners even among themselves. In some ways they have as little in common with one another as with other vampires. There is primarily an unofficial network among those with similar existance.

Clan Power
The only real way to gain power and respect among the Bast is to earn it individually. This tends to come with age. Power and respect may also come do to tales of a particular Bast's accomplishments.

Gathering Days
There are few official meetings among the Bast and fewer unofficial ones with more than a few Bast present.
Once every decade all who can return to Egypt to celebrate the birth of Bast. This meeting occurs at the first March of the new decade and usually lasts for more than a week.
Also once a year each Bast in an area meet in the woods at the first full moon.
Unless their is some direct crisis these affairs are usually just social affairs with the telling of tales, partying and introducing new members.

The Bathory trace their lineage back to Elizabeth Bathory. The often cultivate rarified and bizarre practices continuing to emmulate the royalty from which they come. The Bathory most often Embrace those with long and distinguished ancestry. The Bathory are also well known for their support of the arts and often Embrace artists they appreciate as well.
The Bathory continue to have a strong association with the old royal families of Anglo European royalty. The Bathory are also the Clan with the strongest connection to the arts (it is not unusual to ghoul particularly promising artists though Embrace early in the clan's history was exceptionally rare)

Nickname: Sponges

Just about any apppearance but they often cultivate a distinguished (and often slightly old fashioned) mode of dress. They also tend to be attractive.

Character Creation
Social skills are often quite high. The Bathory chose mostly from those of old royal blood but usually the 3rd or 4th child of royalty. A growing number of Bathory after 1950 were artists of various sorts.

Clan Disciplines
Auspex, Osmosis, Presence, Vicissitude

Clan Weakness
The Bathory cannot get sustinence from drinking blood. For this reason the Bathory must use their Osmosis discipline to feed by absorbing blood through their skin surface.
The Bathory's fangs can still pierce the skin and they can still lick the wound and have it heal. They may even drink the blood but it will make them ill instead of feeding them.
Bathory must have at least one dot in the discipline of Osmosis to survive and is in fact Embraced with it.

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
Bathory blood can be made addictive.  Bathory Ghouls and Revenant's have potent blood and vampires have a minus one to all rolls to resist feeding from a Bathory ghoul or revenant or to stop feeding once they have started.  Bathory themselves are immune to this effect.
Ghoul/Revenant Primary Discipline: Presence

Clan Structure
Clan Bathory has a complex organization that is strongly based on the socialization rules among Anglo European royalty. The Bathory are constantly attempting to gain prestige among this group. The Bathory are often involved with Old Money and have a mercantial association. The overall status of the clan is important but the older Bathory are often playing power games while the younger Bathory are attempting to not be destroyed in the games and watching for opportunities.

Clan Power
In clan Bathory power is gained by various in clan games. It is perfectly acceptable to step on your fellow clan member as long as there is no proof and the clan as a whole is not harmed. The best way to obtain power in clan Bathory is over the backs of your fellow Bathory. Elizabeth Bathory makes sure that all the games continue and regularly changes the rules and capriciously follows those that do exist.

Gathering Days
Clan Bathory meets as a whole each ten years in France. This meeting forms and breaks alligences.
Also each area's Bathory have parties about once a week. This party is different each time. The current most powerful Bathory makes a "suggestion" to another Bathory that a party would be a good idea. These parties are social landmine fields to both party givers, party guests, and those that do not attend at all.
At these parties alligences are formed and broken, new childer are introduced, new ghouls and servants are introduced, and often bizarre entertainments are provided.

Children of Lillith
Lillith the Second according to the Children was the only Cainite to recieve training in her vampiric nature from Lillith the mother of vampirekind.
The Children have always been one of the primary warriors among the vampires. Honor bound in a way few Kindred can claim this clan's honor binds it together in a way that few clans can claim.
They are fierce and loyal warriors often serving as bodyguards for various figures within the Camarilla and the Sabbat.
The Lillith are a shrinking clan in the modern age. It is becoming harder and harder to find those worthy of becoming Children.

Nickname: Lancelots

Most Children are female though this is not a guarantee. Children tend to dress efficiently for survival and fighting.

Character Creation
Combat skills as well as skills appropriate for guards and protectors are always present they tend to be quite good at this task (several skills at 3+). Most Children are female and were promising as warriors before Embrace.

Clan Disciplines
Auspex, Celerity I, Fortitude, Potence.

Clan Weakness
The Children of Lillith cannot break their given word. To break their word they must spend a willpower per turn. However, the Children will not even break a promise while Frenzying (occationally a Willpower roll may be called for when the situation is truly hopeless). Before the beginning of the game the character and storyteller together must define the vows the character has taken that have not yet been completed. (probably not more than 1 or 2)
Each Child swears an oath to clan and Camarilla (or Sabbat) upon creation.
I ___________ swear to support my clan and uphold its honor in all things, and to uphold the Camarilla's honor.

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
The ghouls and revenants of a Lillanite is exactly the same as a vampire among the clan including the oath.
Ghoul/Revenant Primary Discipline: Celerity I (may spend human vitae pool to power)

Clan Structure
The clan is organized around a hierachical structure. At the bottom of the pyramid are the youngest and least experienced members of the clan while at the top of this pyramid is the Second. The First was Lillith the Second and the place is hers should she ever return. Each continent has a Great Lord while each large area has a Lord (example of a large area Coastal United States) and each city has a Baron.
Despite the complexity of the system requirements of the members are few only during threats does the pyramid matter.

Clan Power
The members of the clan gain prestige mainly through honorable action over long periods of time. The Second is chosen by a meeting of Great Lords while a Great Lord is chosen by a meeting of Lords and so on The Barons are chosen by the Lillith in a city.

Gathering Days
The Lillith gather once every 10 years in the city of the Current Second. Also each Great Lord holds a meeting every 5 years, each lord every year and each Baron a meeting every month. Not every Lillith has to attend every meeting but many do.
These meetings are a time to meet, introduce childer, discuss others, and simply socialize. Children also meet in small groups often generally preferring one another's company.

The Dracaens are one of the youngest clans tracing their progenators Embrace to little over 900 years ago. The young man who would be known as Draco and later Dracula was a crusader who saw the death of his beloved and dared to curse God. When Caine appeared and Embraced him he swore and oath to be a bane to humanity.
In the 1400's he and his childer moved into an area of Romania. There they remained as devil kings until the meeting that was destined to form the Camarilla. On that day there was one Childer of Dracula who chose to leave his homeland and join the Camarilla. The entire group of Camarilla Draceans spawn from this person.
The Dracaens are known as strong and efficient rulers of all that is within their power. They are often ruthless in both gaining and in maintaining power.

Nickname: Shades

The Dracaens tend to be quite attractive since many of the Dracaens are Embraced due to a fascination and a wish to possess and preserve.

Character Creation Social skills tend to be quite high.

Clan Disciplines
Celerity II, Necromancy, Obfuscate, Obtenebration.

Clan Weakness
The Dracaens cast both an eerie shadow of a giant winged demonic figure and reflect a demonic reflection in mirrors. Most person's ignore both assuming it to be a trick of the light (for those give the Dracaen -3 to all social rolls with those persons). However, the sight may be recognized at various times. Due to the nature of their flaw they cannot be filmed in their normal form instead the demonic reflection shows.
The demonic reflection is actually a cruel appearing, reddish brown tinted version of their own natural self with eyes that glow slightly yellow.

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
The Dracaen ghoul and revenant casts no reflection.  This also prevents them from being filmed by most conventional cameras though infrared cameras will work.
Ghoul/Revenant Primary Discipline: Celerity II

Clan Structure
The clan is organized much as Romanian royalty. Each Dracaen is supreme in his area of control though that very Dracaen is usually under the Lordship of another Dracaen.

Clan Power
The best way to gain prestige is to ally yourself with the right person. The more control the vampire has in both the mortal and the vampire world the more prestige they gain.

Gathering Days
The Dracaens meet every 10 years in Paris France.
Dracaens in an area meet in the most powerful Dracaen's haven. This in effect places them under his power and allows him to assure the loyalty of his vassals. These meetings are usually once per month and all must attend.
The meeting days are a way to reaffirm loyalties, meet new and gain the loyalty of new Dracaens, form new alliances, and introduce new childer and servants.
Topics of interest to the clan are discussed usually the discussion is lead by the Dracaen leader of the area.

Followers of Set
The Followers of Set or Settites as they are commonly known, trace their lineage back to a powerful magus named Sutekh. Sutekh was Embraced by Caine. Sutekh found himself at odds with a self-proclaimed king of the gods Osirus. With the new power gained from his Embrace he was able to defeat Osirus.
The Settites are masters of corruption. The understand weakness as few do. They also understand the power of not being seen as the ruler. They are a powerful clan and the keepers of vampiric magic (Blood Thaumaturgy) but they are always viewed with suspicion.
The Settites are the keepers of a ritual hat allows them to lower their vampiric generation permanently as long as they have enough vampiric blood of that generation so they are often willing to trade for blood.

Nickname: Vipers

Many Settites are of Egyptian descent. One group tends to delight in Thaumaturgy's mysterious nature and dress the part of magus. The other the more concentrated on the seedy side of life tend to look the part.

Character Creation
Followers tend to have magus concepts though regularly (1/4) the have corruptors concepts (ie drug dealers, pimps, pornographers). Magus concepts tend to have high mental skills and a high intelligence.  Seedy character concepts tend to have high social skills with intelligence skills  a close second.  Magus also tend to have some knowledge of true magic even if they do not possess it.  Settites Embraced before 1400 CE often have True Magic skills.

Clan Disciplines
Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis, Blood Thaumaturgy (Thaumaturgy is not a discipline but their aptitude for the workings of blood magic takes the place of a fourth clan discipline).

Clan Weakness
The Settites are especially vulnerable to light (double damage taken from sunlight). They also add +5 to any difficulties whenever in bright lights (spotlights etc).

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
Both Ghouls and Revenants of the Settites are sensitive to light.  They do not take damage from the sunlight but find it painful unless they are wearing sunglasses and they sunburn as easily as a pale human.
Ghoul/Revenant Primary Discipline: Vitae Thaumaturgy

Clan Structure
The Settites are organized into a hierarchical structure with Set himself at the top. the next level of hierarchy splits the world into seven areas. There is a head of each area. These seven geological areas are further split into a number of areas depending on necessity. Each area has a number of chantries.  Chantries are safe havens for Settites both the Magus and the Seedy characters.  However, they are also areas where magical research can take place. Each chantry has a master of the Chantry. To be master of a Chantry requires extensive magical ability.

Clan Power
The Settites gain power by being given a position and the working well in that position.
The Thaumaturges may also gain prestige by creating new paths, rituals, and items of power. Also by furthering knowledge in a manner that allows these things. To become a Master requires creating these things.

Gathering Days
The Settites gather once every ten years in Rome. Also each area has a meeting every year and each chantry has a monthly meeting.
The ten year meeting are a time to lower generation, introduce childer, and discuss clan goals. The yearly and monthly meetings include all of those things except lowering generation. The monthly meetings include introducing new servants.

The Giovanni are one of the most tightly knit of the clans. Each member of the clan and ghoul to the clan are Giovanni by birth or marriage (the name may actually be different but the lineage is not). The Giovanni before the Embrace of Augustus Giovanni were a small mafia family known for their ability to garner information. This information unbeknown to the other mafia families came from some type of spirit magic.
After Embrace of their founder they began a ruthless takeover of the mafia. This takeover is so complete that though most don't even know it almost all mafia is at some level controlled by the Giovanni.
The Giovanni are a clan of contradictions. Their inner loyalty to one another is contrasted by their ruthless following of the mafia code. They are sellers and buyers of the Camarilla. If it exists in the underworld they can find it. They control a vast illegal financial empire and ruthlessly use this to accomplish their goals.

Nickname: Wiseguys

Almost all Giovanni have Italian blood though how much of this shows depends greatly. Most Giovanni dress conservatively and try very hard to maintain an air of respectability.

Character Creation
Social skills tend to be quite high. Underworld and police ties and contracts are common among the clan as is the streetdeal special skill.

Clan Disciplines
Dominate, Necromancy, Obfuscate, Presence

Clan Weakness
A Giovanni's fangs do 1d6 normal damage to any living creature.  Also every blood volume point taken does 1 die of damage to any living creature. A Giovanni may only heal 1d6 damage by licking the wounds caused by their bite.

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
A Giovanni ghoul and revenant have the eerie presence flaw.  Add five to the difficulty all social rolls except intimidation rolls.  Subtract 5 from the difficulty from all the intimidation rolls.
Ghoul/Revenant Primary Discipline: Obfuscate

Clan Structure
The Giovanni are organized into a tight network of business interests. The more powerful Giovanni controls either an area or a particular field (arms, drugs, prostitution, etc). The less powerful Giovanni work for the more powerful Giovanni and must answer to them. Any disputes are handled immediately by their mutual Don. If they must travel several levels to reach a Don who is mutual that will be done.
Each Giovanni is assumed to have a few contacts within the underworld for "free" as well as various higher ups that no points are given for.

Clan Power
Giovanni power is gained by gaining more power in your area for the financial empire. It is also gained by promotion when either a Giovanni loses favor or dies. The Giovanni may be transferred either up or down by those higher than they in the hierarchy.

Gathering Days
The entire Giovanni clan including quite a few ghouls gather each five years in Italy. This meeting keeps the clan close knit and allows discussion of new business.
There are no ther regular meetings of the Giovanni clan but one or two may meet when their interests meet and any Don may call a meeting or simply call in certain members.
All Giovanni know all the other members of the clan as well as what area they control and how successful they are at it. Any Giovanni coming into an area lets the local Giovanni know they are their and what their business is.

The Hataerae trace their origin back to Hataer a sex priestess in the city of Nod. The Hataerae who excaped the First City reestablished the temple claiming Hataer as goddess and themselves as touched. The Hataerae have always been a hedonistic lot reveling in the pleasures of the flesh. The Hataerae during the middle ages found difficulty setting up sex temples going instead into brothels and prostitution for their power.
Hataerae are one of the clans most connected to humankind. Where most clans are powerful with a particular group Hataerae connections cross the gamut of human social structures. They are also known for their ability to deal with humans in all capacities. Their ability with Vicissitude for disguising themselves among humanity is unparalleled. The Hataerae are obsessed with beauty in all its forms but primarily human beauty. They wish to have beautiful people near them and tend to do so.
Artists and performers are often Embraced by the clan as are those who have an "inner beauty".

Nickname: Sluts

Hataerae are always beautiful (minimum appearance 8). Their dress tends to accentuate this beauty. The Hataerae human asthetic is very broad but they are all undeniably beautiful. There are more female than male Hataerae. Though there are more male ghouls and constructs to make up the difference.

Character Creation
Social attributes tend to be high.  Appearance and Empathy will also tend to be high. Streetwalker concepts are less appropriate than high class call girl.

Clan Disciplines
Auspex, Ekstasis, Presence, Vicissitude

Clan Weakness
A Hataerae cannot create a blood bond though all other affects of blood are normal. This generally means that a Hataerae must work harder to keep the loyalty of their retainers. Though most seem to manage quite well. Some vampires with a strong objection to blood bonding will pay Hataerae for their blood to keep a favored lover alive and unbound.

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
The ghouls and revenants of the are affected with a surreal quality that causes     There is something about them that others find fascinating especially mundanes.  At inappropriate times, they will stare at you and strike up a conversation in the hopes of getting to know you better.  Worse still, those mortals of a less savory nature will chose you over other potential targets for their illicit acts.   A ghoul/revenant must have an appearance of at least 7.
Ghoul/Revenant Primary Discipline: Vicissitude

Clan Structure
The Hataerae are organized into a close knit friendship network. Each Hataerae controls their own assets but can be depended on by other Hataerae usually. Some Hataerae live in communal environments with others of their kind. Age is greatly respected for the knowledge it brings though older Hataerae are known to go to great lengths to avoid becoming set in their ways.
The Hataerae ghouls, ghoul families, and constructs are also an important part of the Hataerae and are on the surface accepted as equals.

Clan Power
The best way to gain prestige among the Hataerae is to gain "friends" or "business associates" who share similar goals and have the ability to help you. Hataerae may also help other Hataerae because of what so and so said about them. This can also work the other way around so most Hataerae go to great deals of effort to stay in the social network of their clan.

Gathering Days
Hataerae meet each ten years in Rio De Janeiro during the month of Carnival. These meetings are an excuse to party but also a time to meet new childer, new ghouls, and mourn those who have died within the clan. Any ghouls and constructs who are able may also attend most of the meetings. The ten year meeting lasts almost a month and is made up of party after party some are private some are all out bashes for all vampires or all people.
There are no other official meetings but they tend to have unofficial meetings often. These meetings may have guests from other clans as well as be private. Some have mortal guests but all vampires are prewarned in that case.

The Morabu are one of the first line warriors of the Camarilla. Physically the Morabu are generally concidered to be the most formidable clan. The Morabu are also the clan with the least connection with humankind. The clan as a whole depends on their power within the Camarilla to gather any sort of social power. The Morabu are the most common Arcon.
The Morabu are as a whole a private and solitary lot generally preferring to associate with a few trusted associates. The Morabu who survive long tend to be strongly honorable.

Nickname: Gargoyles.

The gargoyles have what they call their Dream Form. This Dream Form gives them the appearance of a stone statue. At the beginning this may simply be a stony skin coloration but the changes become more severe. The Dream Form is almost always nonhuman in appearance but is usually (but not always) humanoid. The Dream Form almost always is winged.

Character Creation
Physical attributes are quite high (usually extra points are given through the Dream Form). The Morabu are chosen from all segments of a society though after this point gaining an ability to fight is generally concidered to be a priority. The longest lived Morabu tend to have a very strong personal moral code.

Clan Disciplines
Fortitude, Obfuscate, Potence, Visceratika.

Clan Weakness
The Morabu slowly take the visage of a stony monster and eventually the form of a stone statue. The higher their Beastial  + Age background (Called the Becoming for simplicity) the more they are like stone they become. By Becoming 4 they have completely taken the physical form of their Dream Form. Above Becoming 4 they began to become more like stone in other ways. They start to lose time and slow down. In times of quiet they often just phase out instead of doing anything. At Becoming 12 they become stone and cease to move. Note: It is theorized that a Morabu can come back from this state.
Anytime IP is given out for time spent the Morabu must subtract a number of IP / day equal to Becoming -4.  Example Alex a young Morabu gains 10 IP/day for skills practice since his Becoming is only 2 he gains all ten points each per day.  Morab an ancient Morabu 1000 years old has a Becoming of 6 +3 = 9 would only gain 5 IP / day because he spends so much time as a stone statue.  If Morab's Becoming was 10 he would gain 4 IP / day.  At Becoming 12 Morab would be a stone statue unless his Becoming lowered in some way.  Note: this sounds especially harsh but keep in mind that they also gain physical attributes and physical disciplines for free as they get older as well.

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
A Morabu ghoul and revenant has a slight coloration of stone.  It causes people to look at you oddly.  The stone that they resemble varies depending on the coloration of their morabu master.
Ghoul/Revenant Primary Discipline: Fortitude

Clan Structure
The Morabu are the least structured clan. Almost all structure is based on respect (and fear). The elder Morabu are respected for the power they wield as are younger Morabu who somehow manage to garner power.

Clan Power
The best way to gain power among the Morabu is to become physically formidable enough (or convince others that you are) to be deserving of respect. The Morabu also gain respect by word of mouth and heroism.

Gathering Days
The Morabu have no official gathering days though if a need arises an elder may attempt to call a meeting of the Morabu. Depending on how great the need is how large an area he calls many Morabu will go out of simple curiousity or a sense of loyalty to the clan as a whole.
The person calling the meeting has the floor first. Though how long he keeps it depends on how interested the other Morabu are. It then turns into a slightly organized rabble until some agreement is reached.
Occationally outsiders are invited to these meetings and they are listened to (or not listened to) as much as any other Morabu of similar power.
The meetings are usually fairly calm though occational arguments break out. Usually when these meetings are called they last the entire night.

The Ravnos are perhaps the only other clan that is a family as well as a clan (along with the Giovanni). The Ravnos -- originally a small family of the Rom -- are a highly nomadic clan. Usually they travel from extended family to extended family unit. They are very close to the other Rom (or gypsies as they are commonly called). They will assist other Rom when possible and may call upon occational assistance. Most Rom know a little of the existance of the Ravnos and usually have met at least one in their lifetime. Many Ravnos travel with a family band of Rom for a time.
The Ravnos take personal and clan honor very seriously. Their code of honor is very different. They take very little pride in keeping their word to gaizen (any nonRom) for instance. They must defend and will not cheat or steal from their own. Friendship is highly valued. When the Ravnos joined the Camarilla they agreed to extend to at least a certain extent a sense of family to the Camarilla.

Nickname: Gypsies

Almost all Ravnos are of gypst appearance. All Ravnos are Rom or adopted Rom usually raised from at least ten years of age. They tend to dress for comfort.

Character Creation
Ravnos tend to have high social skills though that is only a general tendency.

Clan Disciplines
Animalism, Celerity II, Chimestry, Fortitude.

Clan Weakness
Ravnos have a need to constantly move. No Ravnos can stay in a particular neighborhood for more than five years. They would generally prefer to travel far away. Ravnos often return again after a lifetime is passed. This means that Ravnos ties to humankind tend to have to work through their Rom contacts or though mediums that do not require constant presence.

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
Ravnos Ghouls and Revenants share the Ravnos flaw except they can stay in a particular neighborhood for 10 years.
Ghoul/Revenant Primary Discipline: Chimestry

Clan Structure
The Ravnos clan structure is headed by the oldest Ravnos and each Ravnos is responsible for himself and his progeny and their progeny. These are Ravnos families descending from Ravnos himself. A Ravnos has a second family that they have considerable responsibility for. This second family is their birth family. Despite this responsibility a Ravnos is relatively free to wander as he wishes.

Clan Power
The only real way to gain power among the Ravnos is "adoption" or progeny. A more powerful Ravnos will see a Ravnos who has proven herself worthy and chosen her as a direct heir. This brings her and all her progeny futher up the line. However, as a general rule Ravnos do not care for temporal power among the clan or the Rom so the lack of flexibility in power is of little interest to the Ravnos.

Gathering Days
Clan Ravnos meets each year in a different location known only to themselves and the Rom. Many Rom also attend this meeting. This meeting is a time to socialize, Embrace Childer, introduce Childer, and discuss the clan.
There are no other official meetings of the clan though they often can be found congregating in small groups or in Rom travel caravans.

The Salubri are probably the smallest clan though they are in a close race with the Children of Lillith. They are, however, keepers of what they call the Path of Redemption (or to other vampires the Path of Golconda). The Salubri are a close knit group bound by their sense of goodness. The Salubri are the healers of the Camarilla able to heal both body, mind and soul.
The Salubri are much sought after for this ability and it almost overcomes the slight upset stomach caused by their innate goodygoodyness. The Salubri are a quiet contemplative clan preferring in many cases the company of their own thoughts.

Nickname: Bandaids

The Salubri can have just about any appearance though they develop a small scar on their forehead that becomes their third eye.

Character Creation
Salubri can have just about any concept but whatever their concept they impressed the Salubri with their kindness. Salubri often have the herd background.

Clan Disciplines
Auspex, Fortitude, Obeah, Sanguinus (Salubri may also spend their beginning discipline dots on Golconda)

Clan Weakness
Whenever a Salubri takes blood from one who resists the Kiss, the Salubri takes 2 points of damage for every .25 Blood Volume taken. It may be healed normally.
The Salubri must know the target is not resisting and is at peace in order to avoid the damage. However, they may take from a sleeping victim who does not know.

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
A ghoul/revenant of a Salubri gains the extra eye of the Salubri.  However, they use it for Auspex abilities instead of Obeah.
Ghoul/Revenant Primary Discipline: Auspex

Clan Structure
The clan is organized much as an extended oriental family with rulership of the Elder and the Wise. However, unlike an oriental family this power is seldom used. The Elders believe in guiding and allowing the young to pursue his own path.

Clan Power
The Salubri gain prestige primarily through continued wise action over time. Those who are known to have kept the path (Golconda) in difficult circumstances are also respected.

Gathering Days
The Salubri meet each ten years in Africa where they claim Salot met his end. This meeting is a day to mourn their Father, socialize, discuss philosophy, mourn other deaths, and introduce new childer.
The Salubri also meet often in small groups though there are no other official meeting days.

The Samedi trace their lineage back to Samedi and the Curse placed upon them by Caine himself. The Samadi are cursed to only have partial immortality. After their Embrace they slowly rot until resembling a walking corpse.  This curse was placed on them after an attempt to kill Caine which caused the death of Salot (Caine's most beloved)
The Samedi are easily identified by their appearance. The Samedi are especially closeknit remaining close to any who carry their Curse. The Samedi are the information brokers of the Supernatural world and especially the Camarilla. They share information with their own but no one else. They are also very capable warriors.  It is also theorized that the links between Camarilla and Sabbat Samedi remains close but these are only rumors.

Nickname: Zombies

The Samedi resemble a corpse in various states of decay. The Samedi tend to wear rags or nothing. The prefer dark colored rags.

Character Creation
Social skills tend to be tertiary. Information skills tend to be very popular among their kind.

Clan Disciplines
Fortitude, Obfuscate, Potence, Thanatosis

Clan Weakness
Samedi slowly rot away until they resemble a zombie or mummy or even a skeleton (with a few bits of flesh). Two points of appearance is subtracted after the first week, the first month, the first six month period, the first year, the first five years, and the first ten years and each additional ten years until he is at hideous appearance. Once zero is reached there are two steps, monsterous and hideous after that his appearance no longer goes down.
Note: a Samedi does not have to pay for lost attribute dots but any and all appearance dots must be paid for (including the first). Appearance cannot be bought with experience points. Vicissitude could possibly assist somewhat in maintaining appearance but any changes will only last a night (at which point they will decompose again). Add 5 to any difficulty to improve appearance when using this discipline.
When a Samedi reached final death they decompose as a mortal that was at that level of decomposition.  (There is a standard rule in the Camarilla that if a Samedi is killed the body must be recovered)

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
All Semedi ghouls/revenants have a minus two to appearance.  .
Ghoul/Revenant Primary Discipline: Potence

Clan Structure
Samedi clan structure is built the way it is primarily because of their great amount of fear they live with. It is believed that Samedi and those that he has created since roam the earth in search of opportunities to destroy all vampirekind but especially the Samedi.
The clan associates widely. Most of the Samedi in a single city live near one another in a city's sewer system or in some cases underground passages. The oldest or most powerful Samedi tends to rule these underground societies though to most it looks like anarchy.  The Samedi keep various creatures in their underground passages. Very few will brave the Samedi territory in a city and the Samedi prefer it that way.

Clan Power
The Samedi gain prestige by being the best informed and letting other Samedi know it. A Samedi also gains prestige by being eldest or most powerful.

Gathering Days
The Samedi send representatives constantly to other Samedi covens to trade information. This includes Camarilla, Sabbat, Anarch or other group) They trade stories and information from the different groups. Each group agrees to not sell State (ie Camarilla to Sabbat or Anarch) secrets to any outside the clan though they may sell a few tidbits occationally. No Samedi will kill another of their kind if they can possibly help it and many will help fellow Samedi escape from their Rival groups if they can do so without other clans knowing it.
The Samedi in a group have a nightly storytelling of the things they discovered that day. Not all Samedi attend each meeting but most will attend when there is a guest from another Samedi coven.

The Tuhadan ower their origin to a minor noble named Annwyll.  Annwyll was Embraced by Caine and thrown into
Arcadia.  He spent the years between 1108 and 2005 in Arcadia. There are a few examples of fairy who have been Embraced but the origin of the clan did not completely begin until he moved out of Arcadia in 2005.  At that point many of the Fairykin from other clans asked to be allowed to join his clan. All Fairykin in his clan are required to drink one sip of his blood every year and a day if they wish to remain part of the clan.  Note only true Tuhadan have the clan flaw and the clan disciplines.  The Fairykin are physically a member of their original clan.

Nickname: Fae

The Tuhadan can have just about any appearance.  The true Tuhadan have pointed ears and slightly elven features.

Character Creation
The Tuhadan in the early stages of their development are likely to come from those who spend little time in the modern world though this is a general tendency.

Clan Disciplines
Auspex, Chimestry, Fortitude, Mytheceria

Clan Weakness
Tuhadan have the first level of iron sensitivity from the fairykin flaws (A rash is caused by iron if it touches them and they take an extra die of damage from iron weapons).  They also have a slightly elven appearance.  Pointed ears, very angular face, odd eye shape and eye coloration.
Tuhadan also have access to fairykin merits and flaws.

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
Tuhadan ghouls and revenants share their clan flaw.
Ghoul/Revenant Primary Discipline: Mytheceria

Clan Structure
The clan is organized much as a kingdom with the eldest being the lords of the land.  Annywyll is a firm ruler of his people modeling his clan after the Fairy royal court.

Clan Power
Power is gained and lost in the clan through favor from Annywyll.  Annywyll is a fair ruler so this tends to be the evidence of favors owed and deeds done.

Gathering Days
The Tuhadan meet in Arcadia once every ten years for one week (April 10) to renew old aquantances within the fairy and Tuhadan society.  Annywyll travels freely and calls meetings when he will.  When they return from Arcadia one day has passed.  The clan is small enough that there are often other meetings called at various times.

The Virtualites are the most closely connected to the virtual world of the Net.  The Virtualites owe their existence to a reEmbraced vampire.  According to legend (no one is answering the questions) the Virtualite clan founder (his name has been lost to history) was changed into a human through an act of powerful magic and then Embraced by Caine.  It is very common for Virtualites to have Golconda ratings.

Nickname: Runners

The Virtualites can have just about any appearance. Virtualites very commonly possess cyberware.

Character Creation
Virutalites can have just about any concept but due to their clan flaw the clan members tend to be incredibly cautious about those they Embrace

Clan Disciplines
Auspex, Fusion, Obfuscate, Blood Thaumaturgy

Clan Weakness
Virtualites possess a personal and clan Karma.  Both the personal and clan Karma range from -5 to +5.  Anytime the storyteller deems it appropriate they must roll this Karma (clan Karma + personal Karma difficulty 8)  If the roll is successful then something good happens to the character.  If the roll is unsuccessful (by more than 3) then something bad happens to the character.  The effect is always related to their most recent harmful acts (the lower the die roll the more extreme the effect).  If the roll is over the difficulty then something good related to the character's most recent good acts happens.  The higher the die roll the more extreme the effect) Anytime a 1 is rolled roll again and subtract that from the die roll.
    As a way of showing the actions of the rest of the clan roll a d10 1/game week.  On a roll of 10 add 1 to clan Karma on a roll of 1 subtract one from the clan Karma   (Note if there are more than one Virtualite in a party only roll this once and alter accordingly) Storyteller may also alter the clan Karma due to story considerations.  Note: The actual Clan Karma is equal to the average all of the personal Karmas.

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
Virtualite ghouls and Revenants share the clan flaw but have less effect on the overall Karma of the clan.
Ghoul/Revenant Primary Discipline: Fusion

Clan Structure
The clan is very small and has a structure of friendship and business partnership. The clan tends to frown very strongly on those that hold the clan Karma and might even stoop to killing those that are unfit clan members (though of course this would lower Clan Karma as a whole once)

Clan Power
There are no paths of clan power for them at this point.  They work together towards a common goal (keeping their clan Karma high).  They after 2009 run a small but growing corporation (Aris Enterprises) dedicated to new technology that does no harm to the environment.

Gathering Days
The Virtualites meet 1/week on the Net to discuss business.  If any feel a need to communicate privately she simply jets to the area of those she needs.

The Wanderers are the only known clan to have been created in the Americas before the year 2000 CE. The Wanderers are infact the reason that the Camarilla has kept control of most of North America. The Wanderers wandered the North American continent when it was practically uninhabited by Europeans.
When the Camarilla first approached the Wanderers they were a disorganized group living in their own area and for the most part having their own seperate life. The Camarilla convinced most of them that their interests needed organization in the newly changing America. Many Wanderers still have close ties to some of the Native American tribes.

Nickname: Braves

Just about any. Beings of Native American or African American amcestry are more common.

Character Creation
Wanderers may come from practically any backgroud. Wanderers generally Embrace those that impress them greatly.

Clan Disciplines
Celerity II, Obfuscate, Potence, Presence

Clan Weakness
This clan has a -2 to all self-control rolls and possesses the Wanderer's passion rating.

Ghoul/Revenant Weakness
All Ghoul's and Revenants of the Wander clan possess a -2 to all self-control rolls.
Ghoul/Revenant Primary Discipline:   Celerity II

Clan Structure
The Wanderer clan is still very disorganized. The primary organization is a mutual respect pact. The older Wanderers tend to have more respect, therefore, more sway over the clan.

Clan Power
The best, and in fact just about the only, way to gain power within the clan is to gain respect of the members individually. At a certain point groupthink will tend to allow a particular wanderer a great deal of control.
To gain respect of great numbers requires a good rumor mill and being one who would be spoken of highly.

Gathering Days
The Wanderers meet each 10 years in the location nearest Roanoke, Rhode Island. Some Wanderers attend and some do not. These meetings are an excuse to party as well as a place to introduce one's self and discuss clan business.
There are no other official meetings of a clan though any may attempt to call a clan meeting of the Wanderers in an area. How successful this is depends on how hard other Wanderers are to find, how respected the meeting caller is, and how interesting the meeting seems.
These meetings usually have a specific purpose in mind. That purpose may range from discuss joining the Camarilla to lets party. A purpose is always given with the invitation.

The Demonkin are not a vampiric clan and in fact are not vampires at all. The Demonkin are descendants of a mortal female and a demon posssessed male. This ancestry gives them a unique nature that is neither mundane nor demon. They are very strongly ruled by their passions. They are mortal for they age; they simply age very slowly.
Almost all Demonkin are the descendants of John Black and his twelve wives. John Black knew himself to be a seperate race than human and wished to breed this race. John Black joined the Camarilla as an equal clan because of his assistance in the Camarilla's formation. Through the centuries other families have been adopted into the Demonkin Family.
Each Demonkin is allowed to produce one child during her lifetime without asking the permission of the Prince. Through the centuries it has been discovered that two demonkin mate they produce a child that is the same blood power as the most powerful demonkin's blood. For this reason and others similar reasons the morality of the Demonkin is very different than the morality of either the mundane or the vampiric world.

Nickname: Spawns

Any, their apparent age tends to be between 16-30 almost always.

Character Creation/Clan Disciplines/Clan Weakness
See Demonkin

Clan Structure
The Demonkin are organized into a family line. This family line has always managed to imitate the family structure of the time that the majority of members grew up.
Currently (modern day) the demonkin line is organized into an extended family network of family members attempting to accomplish their own goal. Though this could change in the next fifty years as the next age of Demonkin begin gaining greater numbers.
Demonkin due to the original breeding program that produced them as an actual race their views on incest have always been positive. Therefore, a demonkin may be both father and uncle to one child but only uncle to the second child as his sister decided to find a second mate.

Clan Power
Prestige is gained primarily by gaining the respect and admiration of their family. Age and power also carry a great weight within the clan.

Gathering Days
The Demonkin Line gathers for a "family reunion" each 5 years in a place decided by majority vote.
The Demonkin in an area may also gather together but the Demonkin are still rare so this is usually one or two immediate families.
Beastial  Lillanite Vampire Sabbat Vampire Anarch Vampire