Super Merits
    Super merits are those merits that are part of the character always.  They cannot be turned off they are just abilities the character has.  In many games the supernatural merits could be transfered to super merits.  Super merits often have outward evidence of the ability where super powers do not.

Altered Time Rate +30 Per level
    The possessor of this merit experiences the flow of time at a different rate than others. For each second of real time it is as if 1 + level seconds passed for the possessor of this ability.  For the game effect of this ability add 25 points to initiative for each level of this ability every combat round.  This does mean that all time related IP awards are multiplied as well.

Armor +1 per point of protection.
    The posessor of this merit has a strong armor covering their body.  The armor is considered to be 1/2 as effective in any of the softer body parts (face, hands).  The character may purchase armor for 1/2 points per level if the softer body parts have no armor at all.  The character may also have full body protection for 2 1/2 points per level.

Bouncing +4 per level
    The possessor of the ability has a rubbery covering over their body.  This coating allows the character to bounce off of other substances.  For each level of this ability the rubbery coating may bounce the character 5 feet and fall a similar distance without taking damage.  The character also has 2 points of kinetic armor protection per level in this ability.

Catfall +3 per level
    The possessor of this ability is especially skilled at falling.  The character may fall 10 feet per level in this ability and not damage herself.  This abillity is only useable when the character would be able to use the ability.  It will not work if the character is unconscious or otherwise physically hampered.

Clinging +10 points
    The posessor of this merit can cling to solid surfaces.  The character can cling with an amount of force equal to his Body (strength aspect).  Movement along the surface is equal to the movement along level surfaces (ahla spiderman)

Compartmentalized Mind +25 per level
    The possessor of this merit has in effect an extra mind that may act independantly.  The mind functions independantly to full capacity and speed.  The character may act twice on any mental actions physical actions are at normal speed.  Also any effects that hamper the mind of the character must effect both minds before the character is stopped.  The character has one extra mind per level in this ability.

Damage Reduction variable
    The possessor of this ability has some sort of protection that reduces the amount of damage the character takes after all other factors are taken into account.  This protection is only against one type of damage.  The types of damage are: energy and kinetic.  The damage reduction cannot be bought higher than 75%.  The damage is always rounded up to the nearest number.
15 points          25% damage reduction
30 points          55% damage reduction
50 points        75% damage reduction

Enhanced senses variable
    Enhances senses is a very broad category of merits.  The character has some sort of sense that others do not have.
Active Sonar +7.5 points
    The character has both the ability to emit a high frequency sound and the ability to sense the general shape of the surroundings from it.  The sound is that of a high pitched screech.
Discriminatory Sense +7.5 points per additional sense
    The character can identify others by a particular sense that is not normal.  Normal humans have discriminatory sense for sight and hearning.
High Range Radio Hearing +7.5 points
    The character can listen to and transmit radio signals and radar emissions.  The character may have recieve only for +5 points.
Infrared Sight +5 points
    The character can percieve heat emissions.
Infrasonic hearing +2.5 points
    The character can hear very low frequencies
Mental Awareness +5 points
    The character can sense the use of mental powers within his general area.
Microscopic Vision variable
    The character can view objects at the character can view nearby objects at x10 (+5), x100 (+7.5), or x1000 (+10) magnification.
Radar Sense +10 points
    The character can can emit radar signals that bounce off objects and allow him to percieve general shapes in his environment.  Only those with high range radio hearing can hear radar.
Radio Hearing +2.5
    The character can hear radio waves including AM, FM and Shortwave bands.  The character can hear only one transmission at a time but may chose to "scan" for a specific frequency.
Radio Listen and Transmit +5
    The character can hear and transmit radio waves including AM, FM and Shortwave bands.  The character can hear only one transmission at a time but may chose to "scan" for a specific frequency for both transmitting and listening.
Sense at Range +5 points
    The character may use a non-ranged sense at range.  For humans this is taste and touch.   Each sense at range must be bought separately.  The range is 10 feet +10feet per additional 2.5 points.
Spacial Awareness +12.5 points
    The character can sense his surroundings with no obvious contact or sensory input from it.  The range for spacial awareness is 15 feet + 10 feet per +2.5 points.
Targeting sense +15 points
    The character can use a nontargeting sense to specifically locate objects.  The nontargeting senses are hearing, smell and taste in humans.  This sense can then be used to aim weaponry.  This must be bought separately for each sense.
Telescopic sense +7.5 points
    The character can chose a point in space and percieve very well in that space.  The site must be percievable in that space by normal use of the sense but this sense brings in the details.  The character cannot percieve well in other areas.
Tracking sense  +7.5 points
    The character can track another by using a specific sense.  This sense detects clues that allow the target to be tracked.  This is probably most appropriate for senses such as smell that leaves behind clues.scent.
Ultrasonic hearing +2.5 points
    The character can hear at very high frequencies.
Ultraviolet sight +7.5 points
    The character can see at very high frequencies in the visible spectrum allowing very good night sight as well as many other minor advantages.  The character also gains a bonus to detect anyone using camoflauge to hide themselves since their visible spectrum is different than those they normally hide against.
X-Ray Vision +15 points
    The character can make sight checks through most materials.  The character must chose one easonably common substance that he cannot see through.
360 degree sensing +15 points
    The character can percieve with his five primary sense in all directions equally.

Extra Limbs variable
    The character has extra limbs.  The advantages and disadvantages of these limbs affect the cost much more than the actual number of limbs.  Extra unrelated attacks requires a high initiative though they may prepare for a second attack with a different limb more quickly (depending on situation.).  The character may have any number of limbs for the same cost.
+2.5 pts      The character has extra limbs with the ability to manipulate objects as well as feet.  They allow types of maneuver that would not be possible but no extra movements each turn.
+5 pts    The character has extra limbs with the ability to manipulate objects as well as feet.  This adds +5 to the second initiative due to the ability to prepare the second limb.
+7.5 pts    The character has extra limbs with the ability to manipulate objects as well as feet and an extra attack each round based upon another closely related movement (example would be a double legged kick aimed at the same opponent.  Each attack roll must be made separately).
+10 pts    The character has extra limbs with the ability to manipulate objects as well as hands and an extra attack each round based upon another closely related movement (example would be a two fisted karate punch aimed at the same opponent.  Each attack roll must be made separately).

Flash Defense +5 points +2.5 per additional sense
    The character has a special defense against the flash power and sensory overload.  Double all resistance levels to resist flash powers with any sense protected by flash defense.

Flight Variable
    The character can fly due to some natural method of locomotion.  The character's speed and endurance decide the speed and distance of flights though the type of wings will affect this somewhat.
+10 pts    The character can fly at x3 run
+15 pts    The character can fly at x5 run
+20 pts    The character can fly at x10 run
+25 pts    The character can fly at x25 run
Power Modifiers
+0 the character may maneuver as well as an airplane (mostly steady slow turns)
+1/4 the character may maneuver as well as a modern combat plane (some faster turns)
+1/2 the character can maneuver as well as a helicopter (faster turns the ability to stop in air)
+1  the character can maneuver as well as a bird of prey (really fast turns)
+1 1/2 the character can maneuver as well as a hummingbird (360 degree motion with almost no turn time)

Full Coordination +20 per level
    The character may move one extra time per combat round per level in this ability.  In game turns add 20 to each initiative roll per level in this ability.

Glide +7.5 points
    The character can glide due to some natural form of locomotion.  Any character who has the flight merit is assumed to have the glide advantage.  Gliding is dependent on the winds and updrafts to travel and in most cases will eventually come down.

Life Support variable
    The character can live and thrive under circumstances that kill others.
+2.5 pts      The character only has to eat or drink about 1/4 as often as normal
+2.5 pts      The character can survive in an extra normal environment (can breathe water, can survive without oxygen but with other air, etc)
+5 pts         The character does not have to eat, drink or excrete
+7.5 pts      The character does not have to breathe
+5 pts         The character can survive under extremes of temperature either down to -50 celcius or +150 degrees (to have both requires buying twice)
+5 pts         The character can survive under extremes of pressure approaching vacuum and 10 gravities of pressure.
+12.5 pts    The character can survive in space surviving both the heat and cold and the vacuum.

Multiform variable
    The character has several different forms that may have completely different physical and mental capabilities.  Only one form may be used at a time (though combined with the duplication power it could be very effective).  All forms are completely natural to the character.  The quicker and less limited the basic changes are the more costly the basic power is.  Once the basic power is purchased all forms except the primary are paid for with super power points at a 10 to 1 ratio.  Each form starts with the attributes of and skills of an average character and all these bases may be increased normally using super points.

Natural Weaponry +5 points per d6 of damage.
    The character has some form of natural weaponry.  The weapon uses the character's body mass to power it therefore all damage modifiers due to Body.   This merit is used to simulate claws, horns, teeth or other similar device.

Polarized Eyes +7.5 points
    The character's eyes adjust instantly to changes in normal light conditions.  This does not protect the character from flashes but normal sudden changes in light conditions only take 1 second to adjust.  If the character has night sight then the polarized eyes may adjust for night sight within one second.

Power Defense +2 per level
    The character has a special level of defense against any attempts to drain, dispel alter or absorb their powers or abilities.  Each level of this power adds one level of power for purposes of resisting alterations of their powers and abilities.  If normally there would be no defense power defense allows one.

Regeneration variable
    The character naturally recovers damage. This includes wounds that would not heal at all by normal means.
+2.5 pts      The character heals at the same rate but will heal things that would not normally heal at all or very slowly
+5 pts         The character heals at half again normal healing rate and will heal wounds that would not heal at all slowly
+7.5 pts      The character heals at twice the normal rate and will heal wounds that would not heal at all slowly
+10 pts       The character adds 1 hit per day to their hits healed and heals normally unhealable wounds in weeks
+12.5 pts    The character heals 1 hit per six hours and heals normally unhealable wounds in weeks
+15 pts       The character heals 1 hit per three hours and heals normally unhealable wounds within a week usually
+20 pts       The character heals 1 hit per hour and heals normally unhealable wounds within a week
+20 pts       The character heals 1 hit per minute and heals normally unhealable wounds within a day
+30 pts       The character heals 1 hit per turn and heals normally unhealable wounds within minutes

Running +2.5 per level
    The character can run much faster than normal.  For each level in the run ability multiply the run listed by an additional 1/2.  At the first level this would make running speed 1.5 x normal while at the second level the character's running speed would be 2x normal.  This will also alter the character's leap figured attribute as well.  However, the number of actions the character may take is unchanged.

Shape Shift variable
    The character can alter his outer form.  This does not alter the character's weight or abilities (except in minor ways).  However, the character may link specific powers or attributes to specific shapes as a way of allowing for shapeshifting with different abilities.  It is generally more efficient to use the multiform power to accomplish this sort of change.  For a widely varied shapeshifter you could also add merits, flaws and powers that are only usable when using the shapeshifting power. (Example would be Changeling the Teen Titans character who could take the form of any animal)
+2.5 pts      The character can take one specific shape that is very similar to their own.  (Change eyecolor and hair color)
+5 pts         The character can take one specific shape that can vary more significantly (Change from a tall man to a short man)
+7.5 pts      The character can take on specific shape that can vary widely (Change cosmetically from man to woman)
+7.5 pts      The character can take related shapes very similar to their own shape (change eye color or hair color)
+10 pts       The character can take related shapes about as different as the 10 point cost (tall to short)
+12.5 pts    The character can take on related shapes that vary widely (man to woman cosmetically)
+15 pts       The character can take related shapes and vary slightly (about 2 points) physical attributes to assist the shape

Size (heavy) +1.5 per level
    The character is incredibly dense while being normal size.  This increases the character's mass, toughness, and strength.  The character adds 3 to their body type in all aspects except size and increases their weight by 50 lbs for each level of this power. If the size modification rules are in use once two tons is reached the character must use the attack and damage modifiers for the vehicle size.

Size (large) +2.5 per level
    The character is very large.  The character has a very great physical size, mass, toughness, and strength.  Each level of size increases the character's Body Type (in all aspects) by 3 levels, increases the character's Movement Allowance by 2 levels, the character's height by an additional 6 inches, and weight by an additional 50 lbs. If the size modification rules are in use once two tons is reached the character must use the attack and damage modifiers for the vehicle size.

Stretching +1.5 per level
    The character's body is maliable and rubbery and can stretch.  Add +3 per level to any attempts to escape bonds succeeds unless the captor takes precautions to compensate for the character's power.  Also the character can stretch his body 4 feet per level in this ability.  This allows the character to strike an opponent from further away and from behind if they can stretch far enough.

Superleap +1.5 per level
    The character can jump much further than normal.  Multiply the character's leap an additional 1/2 per level in this power.

Supernatural Power Access variable
    The character is not a member of a supernatural group normally allowed the powers but they still have access to them.  This does not give any beginning dots.  Also all purchases are at the most expensive for that group (nonclan cost for vampiric discplines etc)
+7    Werecreature gifts
+5    Psychic gift creation system
+7    Lillanite power
+10  Mummy Ka Gift
+10  Vampiric Disciplines
NA  Magus and True Magus

Swimming +1.5 per level
    The character can swim much faster than normal.  For each level in the swim ability multiply the swim listed by an additional 1/2.  At the first level this would make swimming speed 1.5 x normal while at the second level the character's swimming speed would be 2x normal.  However, the number of actions the character may take is unchanged.  This does not include the ability to breath underwater.

Swinging +5 points
    The character may swing very well from a line of some sort.  This power includes both the line and the ability to swing on it.  The character may move at twice normal run anytime there are appropriate outhangings and places to put their line.

 Super Flaws

Accidental Change variable
    The character can accidentally change form.  This is a flaw only allowed for a character who can already take this form in some way (multiform is an allowable method).  The cost of this flaw depends on the severity of the inconvenience and the frequency of the change.  The accidental change roll is rolled during any time of stress and there are often rolls required by the story behind the accidental change.  This flaw will not cost points the minimum points for this flaw is -1.
+2.5 pts      little or no inconvenience is involved.  The form is simply different
-0 pts          the other form is as powerful as the primary form but in a vastly different way with strong limitations (wereanimal)
-2.5 pts       the other form is very weak compared to the primary form (Captain Carrot changing to Roger Rabbit cartoonist)
-5 pts          the other form is very weak with very few abilities (Power man resuming his real form as a 6 year old)
+2.5 pts      the accidental change happens rarely 1 on d10 roll
+0 pts         the accidental change happens occasionally 3 or less on d10 roll
-2.5 pts       the accidental change happens regularly 5 or less on d10 roll
-5 pts          the accidental change happens frequently 7 or less on d10 roll
-7.5 pts       the accidental change happens always (must spend a willpower point to avoid change)

Accelerated aging variable
    The character ages at a faster than normal humans age.
-2.5 pts       lifespan is 3/4 human normal, adulthood reached at approximately 12 years of age, death at 70
-5 pts          lifespan is 1/2 human normal, adulthood reached at approximately 10 years of age, death at 50
-7.5 pts       lifespan is 1/4 human normal, adulthood reached at approximately 6 years of age, death at 25
-10 pts        lifespan is 1/8 human normal, adulthood reached at approximately 3 years of age, death at 12

Altered Time Rate -30 points
    The character experiences time only one second for each 2 that passes.  The character only gets to roll inititative every two turns and his actions are based on that roll.  For game effect subtract 25 from each initiative roll for all actions.

Dependence variable
    A character with this flaw is dependent on some substance or they will die.  A character cannot take this flaw for any normal human weaknesses nor any substance that will be present in all situations where that human weakness would be expressed.  Example having a dependence on nitrogen is not a flaw it is a quirk since nitrogen and oxygen always exist together.
-0 pts         the character takes one hit per hour without substance
-2.5 pts      the character takes one hit per minute without substance
-5 pts         the character takes one hit per turn without substance
+2.5 pts     the substance is incredibly abundant moisture in the air.
+0 pts        the substance is very abundant (water)
-2.5 pts      the substance is common (suger)
-5 pts         the substance is relatively hard to find or inconvenient (Live Flames)

Distinctive features variable
    The character has some distinctive feature that sets him apart from normal humans.  The worth of this flaw depends on how severely the social stigma is and how often it is noticed.
+2.5 pts       the distinctive feature can be easily hidden (pointed ears)
-0 pts           the distinctive feature can be hidden with some effort (different colored skin, cat's nose)
-2.5 pts        the distinctive feature cannot be hidden without incredible effort (glowing eyes)
-5 pts           the distinctive feature cannot be hidden (large size or small size those with merit cannot take this flaw)
+2.5 pts       the distinctive feature causes a favorable reaction (stunning beauty)
-0 pts           the distinctive feature causes a neutral reaction (no negative social stigma)
-2.5 pts        the distinctive feature carries a social stigma (race is strongly disliked or misunderstood)
-5 pts           the distinctive feature carries a strong negative social stigma (race is hated by all and considered demons)

Environmental requirements
    The character has some sort of environmental requirement.
-5 pts       the proper environment exists on most planets likely to be visited by the character but may have a limited location.  Also the requirement may be met with relatively minor alteration (breathes only water)
-10 pts    the special environment exists almost nowhere where people live and requires a special suit that completely protects the wearer from all other environments.

Hideous/Monsterous Appearance
    The character is incredibly ugly in a truly monsterous way.  No points may be spent on appearance.
-5 pts        the character subtracts 5 from all social rolls.
-10 pts      the character subtracts 5 from all social rolls and has a negative social stigma which may cause riots and lynchings. This requires good explanation and gm approval

Suceptability variable
    The character takes damage from some substance that does not harm others.
-0 pts        the character takes 1 hit per hour exposure to the substance
- 2.5 pts    the character takes 1 hit per minute exposure to the substance
-5 pts        the character takes 1 hit per turn exposure to substance
-2.5 pts     the substance in incredibly abundant (moisture in the air)
-1.5 pts     the sustance is very abundant (water)
-.5 pts       the sustance is common (suger)
-0 pts        the sustance is rare (dragonsbane)

Vulnerability variable
    The character takes extra damage from some substance but is not harmed by touching the substance.
-1 pts        the character takes half again as much damage from attacks with the substance (skill and body damage modifiers are not modified)
-2 pts        the character takes double damage from attacks with the sustance
-3 pts        the character takes three times as much damage from attacks with the substance
+1 pt         the substance is very rare (black dimonds)
+0 pt        the substance is relatively rare (silver)
-1 pt          the substance is common (steel)

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