Social Group Addons
The general organization creation
There are certain long standing social groups of mortals. This section
will include information on.
The Inquisition (1300 CE) -- The Catholic churches warriors in a
war on supernaturals not sanctioned by the Church.
The Order of Hermes (1000 CE) -- Ars Magica style Magus. (Note
magic changed in form in the 1400's CE. Though it changed back to
a great extent in the Sundering world).
The Arcanum (1600 CE) -- mortals who
study the magical world
Talasklata (1600 CE) -- all field researchers are psychic studies
all supernaturals
Watchers (2500 BCE) -- watches
the immortals none are psychic
The Conspiracy (1800 CE) -- governmental agents who know about the
supernatural and wish to maintain ignorance in the population
PsiCorp (2010 CE) -- the greatest power in the space age world.
Started out as a psychics corporation but grew into an incredibly powerful
governmental agency.