Mortal Society
The psychological merits and flaws
deal directly with the psychological makeup of your character, and may
describe ideals, motivations, or pathologies.
Anachronism -2 flaw (VPG)
You have been alive for some time,
and are unable (or unwilling) to keep up with the modern times. An intelligence
roll is needed whenever you have to deal with something from a later period
than your original lifetime roll INT (difficulty 10). If the roll is failed
subtract 5 from any rolls to use this technology.
Characters with this flaw generally
will have been changed for at least 50 years. This flaw is worse depending
on the number of points the character has in the age background.
Also the flaw will get worse depending on how much time passes during the
Berserker +2 merit (VPG)
The character has the ability to willingly
enter a beserker state. While berserking you may ignore wound penalties
and add 4 to all combat rolls except for dodges. However, once the
beserking rage is over the character pays the price for wounds taken.
You can take no complex actions other than combat, dodging, or running
when berserking. Characters with Beastial cannot take this merit
since the Beast has overcome the berserker rages.
Code of Honor +1 merit (VPG)
You have a personal code of ethics
which you strictly adhere. Even when in frenzy or otherwise out of control
you will attempt to obey it. This gives you +10 for rolls that require
you to break your code. This roll is made no matter what requires you to
break your code. However, if the charcter willingly breaks the code
subtract 2 from willpower until they have made peace with themselves over
the transgression (Storyteller discresion).
It also will assist a character with
Beast controlled psychic gifts that are out of control.
Compulsion -1 flaw (VPG)
You have a psychological compulsion
of some sort, which can cause you a number of difficult problems. Your
compulsion may be for just about anything. A compulsion may be temporarily
avoided at the cost of a willpower point.
Dark Secret -1 flaw (VPG)
You have some sort of secret that,
if uncovered, would be an immense embarassment to you and would cause you
no end of problems. It will affect your dealings with the social group
you value or need most.
Driving Goal -3 flaw (VPG)
You have a personal goal, which sometimes
compels and directs you in startling ways. the goal is always limitless
in depth, and you can never truly achieve it. Because you must work towards
your goal continually it will get in your way and may get you in trouble.
Storytellers may lower gained IP if the character is not roleplaying their
driving goal well. The character cannot take the higher purpose
merit with this flaw.
Flashbacks -3 flaw (c2nd)
You are prone to flashbacks anytime
you are in a stressful situation or in a situation similar to the flashback
situation. Either positive or negative stimuli can cause a flashback.
Good flashbacks can be as danagerous as bad flashbacks.
During the flashback you are not aware
of people or situations around you. Even people speaking to you will
appear to be part of the flashback. To you reality has shifted and
you have returned to the moment of the flashback. These flashbacks
occur at the GM's discretion. The player must tell the storyteller
what caused the flashbacks and what sort of experiences are contained in
For a system method of determining
flashbacks. The player must roll a Will roll difficulty 8 each time
they are placed in a stressful situation to avoid the flashback.
The player must roll a Will roll difficulty 10 each time they are placed
in a similar situation to what caused the flashback. Both of these
rolls are of course subject to situational modifiers.
Hatred -3 flaw (VPG)
You have an unreasoning hatred of
a certain thing. This hate is total and largely uncontrollable. This hatred
may be just about anything but it must show up reasonably often. You must
make a Will roll to avoid harming the hated object each time you are near
it. Also if you are subject to frenzy you must roll to resist frenzy
each time you are faced with the object of hatred. You constantly pursue
opportunities to harm the hated object.
Higher Purpose +1 merit (VPG)
You have a goal that drives and directs
you in everything. You do not concern yourself with petty matters and casual
concerns, because your higher purpose is everything. Though you may sometimes
be driven by this purpose and find yourself forced to behave in ways contrary
to personal survival, it can also grant you great personal strength. You
gain +5 on all rolls that have anything to do with your higher purpose.
The higher purpose must be decided. This merit cannot be taken with the
flaw driving goal.
Intolerance -1 flaw (VPG)
You have an unreasoning hatred of
a certain thing. This may be just about anything but it must be something
that will come up somewhat regularly. The difficulties of all dice rolls
involving helping or social rolls involving the hated thing are raised
by 4.
Lazy -1 flaw (SPG)
You are simply lazy. You do not like
to do anything that requires a lot of effort on your part. You prefer to
let others do the hard work. This flaw works best when well roleplayed.
Whenever you had to spend a great deal of time and effort you add 2 to
the difficulties of any social rolls due to all the attempts to quit doing
it and constant complaining.
Lifesaver -3 or -4 flaw (c2nd)
-3 You believe that human life is
precious and will not take a life in all but the most extreme of circumstances.
You may not even knowingly endanger life or participate in killing.
You have no difficulty killing animals (for the right reasons) and may
even participate in the killing of evil and inhuman creatures (character
must define "evil"). Senseless death in all its forms repulses you.
-4 version of this flaw believes
that all sentient life is sacred and will not willingly take part in the
killing of any sentient creatures. Black spiral dancers, wyrm creatures
would count.
Low Self-Image -2 flaw (VPG)
You lack self-confidence and don't
believe in yourself. You have +5 difficulties in any situation where you
do not expect to succeed. (storyteller discretion). At the storyteller's
option you may be required to make Will rolls to do things that require
Multiple Personalities -4 and -5 (BCB)
The character's personality is different
depending on situation and time of the month or year. The character's
basic beliefs desires and nature may alter. Roll a die each day to
decide which personality is in control (equal chance for each) also anytime
a stressful event occurs (storyteller discresion roll a Will roll difficulty
10) if the roll fails the character must roll for the change. The
character may chose a few days of the year that has a particular personality..
The -4 version of this flaw means
the character has knowledge of the differences in personality. Though
they may often create elaborate ruses where each personality has its own
With the -5 version the character
has no knowledge of the other personalities. Create seperate character
sheets (Statistics may vary by 2, do skills separately with overlap (no
more than 20 points in skills may vary between personalities).)
Nightmares -1 flaw (VPG)
You experience horredous nightmares
(or daymares depending on when you sleep) every time you sleep, and memories
of them haunt you during your waking hours. Sometimes the nightmares are
so bad they cause you to lose one die on all your actions for the next
waking period. Some of the nightmares can be so real that you mistake them
for reality.
Obsession -2 flaw (C2nd)
There is something about which you
like, love or are fascinated by to the point where you disregard common
sense to cater to this drive. You react positively to anything related
to your obsession, even if it is not in your best interests. Your
entire life also shows the obsession in some way. If you are obsessed
with poodles you have little poodle toys around bugging your friends.
You spend all of your money on poodle plates and poodles who are all around
your house.
Overconfident -1 flaw (VPG)
You have an exaggerated and unshakable
opinion of your own worth and capabilities -- you never hesitate to trust
your abilities, even in situations where you risk defeat. When you do fail
you will find someone else to blame.
Pack Mentality -2 flaw (WPG)
You pride yourself on being a member
of "the pack". Your identity is strongly tied to membership in some group
or organization. You recieve a +3 to any rolls when working with your chosen
group, however, when not with your chosen group you recieve a +3 difficulty
on all rolls. This also sometimes prevents you from acting without your
group at storyteller discretion you may be asked to make a Will roll or
spend a willpower point to act on your own in times of stress. You must
spend a willpower point to go against your chosen group.
Phobia mild -1 flaw (VPG)
You have an overpowering fear of something.
You instinctively and illogically retreat from and avoid this thing. You
must make a Will roll whenever you encounter the object of your fear. The
difficulty of this roll is determined by the Storyteller. If you fail the
roll you must retreat from the object. The object of fear must be something
reasonably common.
Phobia severe -3 flaw (VPG)
You have an overpowering fear of something.
You must make a Will roll to not run screaming everytime you face the object
you fear. The difficulty depends on the circumstances. If you fail the
roll you run in terror. If you make the roll by less than 5 you will not
approach the object of fear without spending willpower. The phobia can
be of anything but must show up reasonably often If the character
is subject to frenzy the character is subject to flight frenzy anytime
they are exposed to the object of fear.
Plagiarist -1 flaw (1)
You cannot help it. All of your academic
achievement were stole from the work of others. Now you live in constant
fear of being found out. You try to do proper research, but whenever presented
with a shortcut, you cannot resist taking it. Sooner or later you will
be found out unless you change your ways but you don't seem to be able
to beat the temptation.
Routine -3 Flaw
This merit is most appropriate for
long lived beings of various sorts. The character tends to go to
the same places at the same time of day, week, month, or year. If
others have studied you they have a bonus to surprising you (depending
on the circumstances from +3 to +10 to their roll). Also add +2 to
all rolls when the character is unable to follow their routine for any
length of time.
Sadism/Masochism -2 flaw
You are excited either by causing
pain or by recieving it.
A sadist must make a Will roll
(difficulty 7) to stop combat (modified by how much you are into the combat
and how much pain you are getting to cause). If you fail you are
so caught up in the event that you do not notice anything else around you.
The sadist must also roll a Will roll to avoid hurting someone. The
difficulty is based on how easily the consequences can be avoided.
A masocist must regularly recieve
pain. Occasionally the recieving of pain gets out of hand and does
real health levels of damage. Once per week if a luck roll
difficulty 8. On a failure roll a d6 damage.
Sensation Junkie -2 flaw (BCB)
To you everything is an endless source
of stimulation and sensation that you want to continue to experience.
You stop and smell the flowers, or make love to a beautiful woman.
Whenever you are offered a chance for a new or wonderful sensation make
a Will roll (difficulty depending on how dangerous it is and how badly
you need to be elsewhere). The character may still chose to experience
the new sensation but that is up to the character.
Short Fuse -2 flaw (VPG)
You are easily angered. The character
adds 3 to the difficulties to avoid frenzy (if subject to frenzy) or losing
control of your temper.
Shy -1 flaw (VPG)
You are distinctly ill at ease when
dealing with people, and try to avoid social situations whenever possible.
The difficulties on all rolls concerned with social dealings are increased
by 2 Also the difficulties on any rolls made while you are the center
of attention are increased by 4.
Smug -1 flaw
A character with the smug flaw
must always be right and look the best. This adds 2 to the defficulty
of their social rolls when being smug and with selected individuals always.
This is primarily roleplayed.
Soft-Hearted -1 flaw (VPG)
You cannot stand to watch others suffer.
If you are the direct cause of suffering, and you witness it you will experience
grief and sickness from it. You avoid situations where you might have to
witness suffering, and will do anything you can to protect others from
it. Whenever you must witness suffering, difficulties of all rolls are
increased by 5 for the next hour.
Speech Impediment -1 flaw (VPG)
You have a stammer or some other speech
impediment which hampers verbal communication. The difficulties on all
relevant rolls are increased by 5.
Superstitious -2 flaw (CBG)
The character has
misconceptions about being a supernatural. The character for some
reason completely buys a different set of legends about his capabilities.
The flaw is temporary but severe. The storyteller should not allow
this flaw for any supernatural that does alter the entire perception of
what the character can and cannot do to such a point that it would become
immediately obvious. The player should expect aspects
of this flaw to last a while because the character's subconscious is trained
to accept the truth of their way of viewing the world.
Examples of suitable vampires:
Forever Knight (repulsed by garlic, difficulty limiting drinking, psychosomatic
burns from holy items), Dracula (can't enter dwelling without permission,
the young give better blood, fascination with opposite sex), Buffy the
vampire slayer vampire (can enter the day to a limited extent, must get
permission to enter a home, crosses repulse, you have no soul, limited
extra powers) or Lost Boys (can't enter dwelling without permission,
must protect sire or will die).
Examples of werecreatures: Werewolf
(old Fox show), Native American Legend, or European Legend.
Techno Fetish -1 flaw
The character with Techno Fetish
has just that. Everything must be the newest thing and at the forefront
of technology. If the music requires guitars, make the sounds with a synthesizer.
Use e-mail not snail mail. Play digital tapes, not analog. Get a computer.
This further exhibits itself as an inability to function outside of the
Cybers must have the newest
and the best for this reason money is difficult to save for them.
A typical cyber will have a few hundred dollars to pay rent but will go
and get the brand new dual screen TV instead because they think it is neat.
Territorial -2 flaw (VPG)
This flaw is not suggested by player
You are extremely territorial. You
do not like to leave your territory, nor do you like to have strangers
in your territory. In fact you get nervous and disoriented while outside
your territory. All difficulties are increased by 3 when outside your territory.
Tortured Artist -1 flaw (CBT)
You must suffer for your work. Your
work is never good enough to suit you. You often suffer ennui for extended
periods of time, preventing you from working steadily. In addition, you
constantly find yourself in heartbreaking positions subconsciously leading
yourself into these situations.
Untamable +5 merit (WPG)
You are a wild creature at heart.
You are immune to effects which directly take control of your mind, emotions
or actions. Your emotions can be manipulated (by seduction etc) but you
cannot be supernaturally forced to act against your own wishes. Some of
the most powerful affects may require a Will roll to resist.
Vengeance -2 flaw (VPG)
You have a score to settle. You are
obsessed with wreaking havoc on an individual (or perhaps a group), and
make revenge your first priority in all situations. The need for vengeance
when the opportunity arises can only be overcome by spending willpower
points, and then only temporarily. Someday you may have your revenge but
for some reason this is a difficult revenge to enact. (example: the object
of your revenge is under the protection of a powerful group.)
Wyld Mind -2 flaw (c2nd)
Your mind is extremely chaotic and
unpredictable. As a result you have difficulty concentrating on any
extended task. You must make a Will roll (dif 8 if the character's
Will is over 8 raise the difficulty for this action until it is 3 over
the character's Will rating) for every extended action roll after the first
roll to accomplish that task.
These merits and flaws deal directly
with the mind; its strengths, weaknesses and special capacities.
Absent-Minded -3 flaw (VPG)
This flaw may not be taken with the
merit concentration. You forget names, addresses, and when you last ate.
In order to remember anything more than you own name and the location of
your haven, you need to make a INT roll, or as a last resort, spend a Wllpower
Amnesia -2 flaw (VPG)
You are unable to remember anything
about your past, yourself, or your family. Your life is a blank slate.
This occurred within the past year. You may if you chose take mystery flaw
points and storyteller can decide what those are. If this option is taken
the storyteller will make the points in flaws worth one less than the number
of flaw points given minimum points 3. You may also give the storyteller
additional merit points and skills. Any points spent in this way
will be more efficient approximately add 1 point for every three spent.
Blasé +3 merit (CBT)
You are not easily impressed by others.
This makes you highly resistant to effects that manipulate your emotions
(both supernatural, technological or social). The most powerful abilities
may require a Will roll.
Calm Heart +3 merit (VPG)
You are naturally calm and well-composed
and do not easily fly off the handle. Add +5 to any rolls to resist flying
off the handle if the character is prone to frenzy lower the difficulty
by +5 for those rolls as well.
Celestial Attunement +1 merit (VDA)
You have an innate sense of the passage
of the heavenly bodies. You don't know exactly how you do it you just do.
This gives you a natural knack for astrology as well as allows you to instantly
know whether the tides are up or down in a given area. You also instantly
know when sunset and sundown is and approximately what stage of day you
are in. If you have a general knowledge of astrology it is possible to
do general charts in your head. If this ability also works on more
than your home planet add +1 to the cost.
Concentration +1 merit (VPG)
You have the ability to focus your
mind and shut out any distractions or annoyances. Any difficulty modifiers
added due to distractions are lowered by 3. Also such difficulty
modifiers are limited to +8 no matter what the distractions.
Confused -2 flaw (VPG)
You are often confused, and the world
seems to be a very distorted and twisted place. Sometimes you are simply
unable to make sense of things. You need to roleplay this behavior at all
times to a small degree. This confusion gets worse when there are many
things going on at once. You may spend willpower points to temporarily
override this effect.
Curiosity -2 flaw (C2nd)
You are a naturally curious person,
and find mysteries of any sort irresistable. In most circumstances, you
find that your curiousity easily overrides your common sense. To
resist the temptation requires a Will roll versus a varying difficulty
depending on the task.
Golly what is in the cabinet is a
lot less difficult to resist (dif 7) than Gee that hole glows magically
I wonder what could be special about it (dif 15). The roll may be
altered slighly depending on the circumstances. If the king has just
ordered all the guards to kill anyone who looks you could gain a +4 or
+6 to the roll but it the guards are looking the other way you might suddenly
lose it.
Eidetic Memory +2 merit (VPG)
You can remember things you have seen
and heard with perfect detail. By gaining at least one degree of success
on an Intelligence roll (difficulty 6), you can recall any desired sight
or sound accurately, even if you heard it or glanced it only once. Five
degrees of successes enables you to recall an event with perfect accuracy.
Difficulty is decided by the circumstances.
Eye for Beauty +1 merit (CBT)
You are a natural critic. Reduce all
difficulties for art appreciation or recognition of art works by three
due to your strong appreciation and memory for art.
Gifted +3 merit (CBT)
You are a gifted creator of whichever
art forms you practice. This has little game effect but gives you contacts
in the community of the art you produce and you can always impress someone
with your art pieces. Subtract 3 from die rolls for all social dealings
in the artistic community of your choice also consider yourself to have
various contacts within that community.
Ignore Pain +2 merit
Character's with this merit
have an uncanny ability to ignore pain of all sorts. Ignore the minuses
to rolls for damage. There may also be other incidental affects.
Note they still take all the damage and they may injure themselves more
while acting.
Iron Will +3 merit (VPG)
When you are determined and your mind
is set, nothing can thwart you from your goals. Your mind cannot be controlled
except by incredibly powerful abilities.
Light Sleeper +2 merit (VPG)
You can awaken instantly at any sign
of trouble or danger, and do so without any sleepiness or hesitation. You
can use all of your dice ignoring all penalties for being awoken at an
inconvenient time.
Lightning Calculator +1 merit (VPG)
You have a natural affinity for numbers
and a talent for mental arithmetic. The difficulties on all rolls are decreased
by 3. Also any basic mathematical equations can be done in your head in
a few moments as long as you have the formula.
Refined +2 merit (CBT)
You are a member of the elite. You
are at home in high society and never feel out of place around this crowd.
The difficulties on all etiquette rolls involving high society are reduced
by three.
Self-Confident +5 merit (VPG)
When you spend a willpower point to
gain an automatic success, your self-confidence may allow you to gain the
benefit of that expenditure without actually losing the willpower point.
You do not lose the point when you spend it unless you gain no natural
successes on the roll. This merit may only be used when the difficulty
of the task is 10 or higher.
Speed Reader +1 merit (1)
The possessor of this merit is able
to read five times normal speed and still retain the same comprehension
of the subject matter as if they had read more slowly. This merit combined
with eidetic memory allows the character to gain a great deal of information
Time Sense +1 merit (VPG)
You have an innate sense of time and
are able to estimate very accurately the passage of time without the use
of a time telling device. You can accomplish this whether you are concentrating
or not and even when asleep. You can estimate the time within a minute
or two as long as you know what time zone you are in. You can always estimate
the passage of time unless you were knocked unconscious.
Vulgar -1 flaw (CBT)
You will never fit into high society.
You are crude, rude, and socially unacceptable. This affects all social
rolls with high society +1 difficulty for all social rolls in high society
or those who are trying to pretend to such high society.
Weak-Willed -2 flaw (VPG)
You are highly susceptible to supernatural
affects that affect the mind as well as intimidation. You may not freely
use you willpower to avoid these effects. In fact you may only use Willpower
to avoid the affects when survival is at stake or where it is appropriate
to your nature.
These merits and flaws involve perception
or the lack thereof.
Acute Hearing +1 merit (VPG)
You have exceptionally sharp hearing.
The difficulties of all dice rolls that are related to hearing are decreased
by three. However, load noises tend to annoy you.
Acute Sense of Smell +1 merit (VPG)
You have an exceptionally keen sense
of smell. The difficulties to all dice rolls related to smell are reduced
by three. However, really strong scents tend to annoy you.
Acute Sense of Taste +1 merit (VPG)
You have an exceptionally keen sense
of taste. The difficulties to all dice rolls related to taste are reduced
by three. You are also able to make precise distinctions between taste.
However, particulartly strong unfavorable tastes tend to annoy you.
Acute Vision +2 merit (VPG)
You have an exceptionally keen sense
of sight. The difficulties to all dice rolls related to sight are reduced
by three. However, particularly strong visual clues will tend to distract
Bad Sight -2 flaw (VPG)
Your sight is defective. The difficulties
of all dice rolls related to vision are increased by three. This increase
can be lowered to one by the wearing of corrective glasses (contacts won't
work). This may be defined as Nearsightedness, Farsightedness or a Stigmatism.
Blind -6 flaw (VPG)
You cannot see and automatically fail
any dice rolls involving vision. You can still possess the ability to "see"
the spirit world.
Clear Sighted +3 merit (HH)
You can see through supernatural hiding
or disguises on an Magical + Awareness/Notice roll against a difficulty
of the level of the ability +6.
Color Blindness -1 flaw (VPG)
You can only see in black and white.
This has various affects since you can perceive color density and shades
but that is all. This does not affect the aura perception ability since
that is perceiving the spiritual self.
Deaf -4 flaw (VPG)
You cannot hear sound and automatically
fail any rolls that require hearing. You automatically start with a sign
language as your primary language (if writing is the norm chose a written
language). However, do not automatically start with a spoken tongue.
There is a minus 4 to all communication die rolls in any other medium but
sign language. Normally this does not matter but if you are in a hurry
this can matter a lot.
Greater Colors +3 merit (CBT)
You can see colors more distinctly
and with greater definition. The world is far more colorful. The difficulty
for perceiving the colors in an aura is reduced by 5. Also the player may
ask one specific question about the person's personality or magical nature
(something that could be concievably be in the person's aura) if you successfully
roll your aura read check.
Hard of Hearing -1 flaw (VPG)
Your hearing is defective. The difficulties
on all dice rolls related to hearing are increased by three.
One Eye -2 flaw (VPG)
You have only one eye -- chose which
during character creation. You have no peripheral vision on your blind
side, and add +6 for any feat requiring depth perception. This includes
missile combat.
These merits and flaws establish special
capacities and abilities for your character or modify the effects and powers
of your character's other traits.
Adept Scholar +1 merit (1)
You are an especially talented student
and researcher. Lower the difficulties of research rolls of any sort by
Ambidextrous +1 merit (VPG)
You can use either hand equally well.
There are no penalties for using the off hand. To use both hands is +2
difficulty for both hands (instead of +2 for main hand and +5 for off hand).
City Boy/Girl -2 flaw (1)
You rarely left the confines of the
city and are unused to even the most basic facts of nature. Difficulties
of any rolls related to wilderness or wild creatures of any sort are three
Computer Aptitude +1 merit (VPG)
This ability is only viable in a game
that has computers.
You have a natural affinity for computers,
so the difficulties to repair construct or operate them are at three less.
Crack Driver +1 merit (VPG)
This ability is only viable in a game
with motorized vehicles.
You have a natural affinity for motorized
wheeled vehicles. The difficulties of all rolls requiring risky or especially
difficult driving maneuvers are three less.
Cultural Knack +3 merit (BCB)
The character has an inherent understanding
of cultural graces. The character has no penalties applied to social
rolls due to cultural difference. With incredibly extreme difference
there might be a small modifier (a human talking to the treants of alpha
Daredevil +3 merit (VPG)
You are good at taking risks, and
are even better at surviving them. All difficulties are three less when
you try something particularly dangerous, and anytime you roll a one reroll
on a 5 or lower count the one as a flub otherwise it is not a counted as
a flub.
Eat Food +1 merit (VPG)
This merit is only viable for a supernatural
that could not normally eat food.
You have developed the capacity to
eat food. You gain very little food value from it but can digest it.
Gossip +2 merit
Characters with Gossip are especially
adept at gathering information through social means. Add three to
any roll of this sort. A gossip may alternatively create a rumor
about another. This will subtract 4 from their social rolls until
the rumor fades (storyteller discretion)
Graceful +2 merit (BCB)
You've got a natural flair.
Your movements are hypnotic and its impossible for your character to look
awkward. Anytime there is a chance to make a good impression add
+5 to your social rolls. This doesn't apply to threats or brute force.
Graceless -2 flaw (BCB)
You lack natural flair. You
always look clumsy no matter what you are doing. Anytime there is
time to make a bad impression add +5 to the difficulty of your social rolls.
This may apply to threats or brute force (depending on whether you just
tripped and fell or not).
Illiterate -1 or -3 flaw (VPG)
Through lack of education or as a
result of a condition like dyslexia, you are unable to read or write.
This is not a flaw but a merit literate in any timeperiod when reading
was very rare. In any timeperiod where reading is common but illiteracy
is not that uncommon it is a -1 flaw. In any timeperiod when everyone
can read but you and those freaks then it is a -3 flaw. Subtract
one from the flaw points if you can read a particular language but it is
not the common one in the area. Chinese man who reads Chinese who
lives in Natchitoches, LA. This flaw can be bought off.
Inept Scholar -1 flaw (1)
Despite your brilliance, you just
were never good at research of any kind. All such rolls are at a difficulty
three higher.
Jack-of-All-Trades +5 merit (VPG)
You have a large pool of miscellaneous
skills and knowledges, obtained through your extensive travels, the jobs
you've held, or just all-around know-how. You automatically have two points
in all Skills and Knowledges that are not supernatural (Discipline skills,
psychic skills etc). This is an illusionary level and the first two points
must still be purchased to go to 3 points in that skill.
Linguistic Talent +3 merit
The character has a knack for languages
that goes well beyond the norm. This character simply learns languages
easier and faster. To represent this in system: the character can purchase
language skills for 1/2 the IP it costs anyone else. Also at the
beginning of the game any points spent on languages gives you twice as
many points. Both this merit and Natural Linguist may be combined.
Literate +2 merit
You can read in a timeperiod in which
it is exceptionally rare. You learned in the Church or simply found
an old book and learned. Illiterate is a flaw except in these
Mechanical Aptitude +1 merit (VPG)
You are naturally adept with all kinds
of mechanical devices (this aptitude does not extend to electrical devices
or computers). The difficulties of all dice rolls to understand, repair,
or operate any kind of mechanical device are 4 less. This merit does not
help you with stunt driving of a vehicle only with the very basic operation.
Natural Leader +1 merit (SPG)
You are gifted with a certain charisma
hat sets you apart from the rest. You have a natural ability to lead others.
Add +5 to all leadership rolls.
Natural Linguist +2 merit (VPG)
You have a flair for languages. Add
+1 to all language skills you possess. Also add +3 to any required
dice rolls to understand or recognize a language. This merit is most
useful for understanding related languages. Both this merit and Linguistic
Talent may be combined.
Perfect Balance +3 merit (c2nd)
Your sense of balance has achieved
great heights by constant training or inherited traits. It is very
unlikely that you will ever fall during your life. You may trip,
but you will always catch yourself before you fall fully, loose you footing
or your handhold.
The character to take this merit must
have at least average Reflexes (5). The character's die roll is +5
for tightrope walking, crossing ice, climbing mountains, climbing
walls or any other similar actions. This merit is also constantly
roleplayed as well.
Pitiable +1 merit (VPG)
There is something about you that
others pity. This causes others to care for you as if you wer a child.
You need to decide what it is about you that others pity this will affect
who it affects.
Poison Resistance +1 merit (c2nd)
You have for some reason or another
become resistant to poisons. Anytime you need to make resist the
effects of a toxin (unless it has been specifically designed for your system)
add +5 to the roll.
Poor Taste -1 flaw (CBT)
You can never have an art appreciation
skill. You are forever known and prove yourself to have bad taste in your
clothes and the decorations you use anytime you decorate.
Technology Jack of all Trades +3 merit
The character simply has a wide
array of knowledge of technology and how it works. They are considered
to have two free points in all technology related abilities. This
is an illusionary level and the first two points must still be purchased
to go to 3 points in that skill.
Urban Survival +2 merit
Characters with this merit have
an uncanny ability to survive in the add +5 to scrounging, streetwise,
survival roll or any other applicable roll at the storyteller's discretion
in an urban setting.
These merits and flaws are different
kinds of supernatural benefits or detriments.
Ancestral Ally +1 merit (WPG)
The character has an incredibly strong
ally in one of his past lives. This past life has similar goals and
aspirations to the current incarnation and helps the character. (Character
must have past life merit or background to possess this merit).
Subract 4 from the difficulty to channel that past life. Create the
character with storyteller strong input and limitations.
Animal Affinity +1, +2 or +4 merit
The character has an affinity for
a particular species (+1), family (+2) of animal. Or she has an affinity
for all animals (+4). The animals will treat you as a friend and
companion. They will listen to you as a trusted mate (even if the
species does not normally have trusted mates). You cannot speak to
Animal Tongue +1, +2 or +3 merit
The character can speak to a particular
species (+1) or family (+2) of animals or he may speak to all animals(+3).
This does not make them trust you any more and the concepts that can be
brought across are different depending on the species of animal being spoken
to. This speech is mental and the animal must be within 10 feet.
Bard's Tongue -1 flaw (c2nd)
The character speaks the truth with
uncanny accuracy. Things you say tend to come true. At least
once per story you will make an uncomfortable truth almost without control
and it will come to pass. To avoid speaking the prophesy that you
have requires a Will roll difficulty 12.
Beast Within -5 flaw (HH)
This flaw may not be taken by any
supernatural creature who already has the Beast Awakened in them that causes
them to frenzy.
The Beast is Awake in you. You possess
a permanent Beastial rating of 1 and gain Beastial
as normal (for a demonkin or vampire). The character may take the
Merits and Flaws as normal.
Can't Cross Running Water -3 flaw (VPG)
You cannot cross running water unless
you are at least 50 feet above it. "Running Water" is any body of water
more than two feet wide in any direction and not completely stagnant.
Note: however, you can still travel
by boat by flying fifty feet above the water and landing directly on the
boat and doing likewise to leave the boat. This can, to say the least,
cause problems explaining.
Cast No Reflection -2 flaw (SPG)
You actually cast no reflection in
mirrors, just like the vampire of legends. This can have a very detrimental
effect when trying to pass as human (or prove yourself human if you are).
This has one advantage associated with it. It is impossible to catch the
character on film or pictures of any sort except by painting it.
Charmed Existence +5 merit (VPG)
Your unlife is somehow protected,
and you do not face the perils that others must. It is a very powerful
and specific form of luck. Anytime a botch is rolled reroll and use that
roll instead. If a botch is rolled a second time the botch counts.
This makes you less likely to fail or botch even on the most difficult
Cursed -1 to -5 flaw (VPG)
You have been cursed by someone or
something with supernatural or magical powers. This curse is specific and
detailed, it cannot be dispelled without extreme effort, and it can be
life-threatening. Some examples:
Eerie Presence -2 flaw (SPG)
Other people get a strange feeling
when they are around you. You seem to make others very uncomfortable, especially
animals and mortals. You have a difficulty 5 higher for any social actions
that don't involve frightening or intimidating others.
Enchanting Voice +2 merit (SPG)
You have an almost magical voice,
beautiful beyond words. You add +5 to any rolls directly involving the
use of your voice.
Faerie Affinity +2 merit (VPG)
You presence attracts fairies and
you are naturally attuned to their ways. You are able to enter Arcadia
provided you can find an entrance. The character may also possess the Mythceria
discpline (if they are a supernatural that can normally learn discplines).
They may learn other things that are fairy related at storyteller discresion.
Fetish +1 to +7 merit
This is an item that possesses special
powers due to its connection to the spirit world and its connection to
you. This item can be stolen though you always know where it is and only
you can make it function. Examples:
Points | Example item |
+1 | a talisman that adds +3 to all difficulty rolls to have magic cast upon the wearer. |
+2 | a knife that can strike intangible creatures. |
+3 | a pair of glasses that when worn make the character able to see invisible creatures on an intelligence roll. |
+4 | a ring that allows the character to affect intangible creatures with any abilities they possess. |
+5 | a crystal that allows the character to leave his body and travel short distances as a spirit. |
+6 | a lamp that can call a weak genie who will obey your commands (6 points mage spheres). |
+7 | a talisman that allows the bearer to enter the umbra even if they cannot normally do so (even precurse Cainites) |
Foe from Past -1 to -3 (WPG)
The character does not have to possess
the past lives background or merit to have this flaw but that means you
have an enemy that you have no idea why they hate you. An enemy from
a past life wants to do you harm. A -1 version of this flaw is approximately
as powerful as the pc while -2 is approximately twice as powerful as the
PC while a -3 foe is incredibly powerful. The enemy does know why
they hate you.
Geas -1 to -5 flaw (c2nd)
You are under some sort of command
or ban. With a ban the character cannot do something while the geas
is some sort of quest or accomplishment that must be done. The quest
must be long-term and not easily accomplished. The geas may be a
family duty or curse.
The more the geas or ban affects your
life the more valuable the flaw is. An example of a -5 geas
You must offer aid to any who are in need that you encounter.
An example of a -5 ban You cannot sleep in the same place more than one
Ghoul +5 merit (HH)
You were previously turned into a
Ghoul by a Vampire. This gives you the ability to heal yourself with Kindred
blood, you also have the ghoul flaw of your original blood sources clan
and may learn other disciplines up to level 2 if someone teaches it to
you. You have either the clan discipline of your clan or potence
level 1 (Ghouls who constantly have different blood "donors" would have
a dot of potence). Your aging is also retarded as long as you keep a steady
supply of Kindred blood (you must keep one point of kindred vitae in your
system or age again). Vampiric Vitae is removed from the system every 30
days mystically even if the character managed to not spend the blood. The
character may spend freebie points to buy vampiric disciplines that they
were taught in the past.
The mortal buying this merit starts
at the beginning of the month with two points of vampiric vitae in their
system. The character may buy the Age background though it probably
should be limited to 1 or 2 dots. If the character does not buy the
mentor background they do not have a regular supply of vampiric blood.
Gift +1 to +7 merit
This is an item that possesses special
powers due to its inherent magic. These items can be stolen but are approximately
1 point more powerful than a fetish of equal powers. Magical objects tend
to be more physical in nature while fetishes tend to be more oriented towards
the spirit. This is not always the case but it is a general tendency.
Haunted -3 flaw (VPG)
You are haunted by a spirit that you
can see and hear (whether you have spirit sight or not). It actively dislikes
you and enjoys making your life miserable by insulting, berating, and distracting
you. It also has a few minor powers GF 4 -7 at level 1 or 2 to use against
you. Yelling at the ghost will sometimes cause it to leave but it will
cause pretty young men in white coats to come a calling instead.
Immortal +5 merit (c2nd)
This merit is only suitable for those
supernaturals who age normally.
The character does not age for some
reason. You can be injured normally but the ravages of time does
not affect you. As a side effect some wounds that would not normally
heal will heal for you at an incredibly slow rate if you can live long
enough. You are also not killed by disease though you can still be
marred by them. The character may freely take the age background
they wish.
Immune to Wyrm Emanations +5 merit (WPG)
You have a special gift. You are immune
to the toxins of the Wyrm, Demons, and other spirits closely associated
to the Wyrm. You are also immune to possession by creatures who gain their
power from any of the named above.
Inoffensive to animals +1 merit (VPG)
This merit may only be bought by those
that animals normally fear or distrust due to their supernatural nature.
Animals do not fear or distrust you
but instead treat you as they would any mortal and do not shy from your
Invisible +4 merit (HH)
Your very nature makes you very hard
to notice. This acts as level one obfuscate (see vampiric discipline) though
you cannot develop further obfuscate.
Light Sensitive -5 flaw (VPG)
This affect is different for different
supernaturals depending on how naturally sensitive to sunlight and flame
the supernatural is.
Sunlight causes double normal damage
to any supernatural who normally takes damage from sunlight and clear direct
moonlight causes half normal damage that is not aggravated to the supernatural.
If the supernatural is not normally
harmed by sunlight at all the creature takes nonaggravated damage from
sunlight on all but the cloudiest of days.
Bright light is painful to all light
sensitives though this can be lowered by wearing sunglasses or hoods.
Luna's Blessing +5 merit (BCB)
Luna or Seline blesses you whenever
the moon is full. This can have many different effects depending
on the character's situation. Each time the moon is full the storyteller
will spend 15 freebie points on the character depending on what the future
holds for the character. The character can ask Seline for particular
blessings though how completely these will be followed is up to the Storyteller.
The character does not always know what form the blessings take.
Lunacy -2 flaw (SPG)
You are affected by the phases of
the moon. On nights of the new moon you are extremely passive, but on nights
of the full moon you are extremely emotional or volatile. During the waxing
moon you are pleasant and more focused on your tasks. During the waning
moon you are a little apathetic and touchy.
This flaw is most effective if roll
played. Depending of the moon phase you add 4 to the difficulties to all
rolls that go against the mood you are in and add +3 to all rolls that
are strongly within the mood you are in.
Lunar Influence +1 merit (SPG)
The moon ha an unusually strong effect
on you. During periods of the new moon subtract 3 from your Body Type and
Reflexes. During periods of the full moon add +3 to your Body Type
and Reflexes.
Magic Resistance +2 +4 merit (VPG)
(+2)You have an inherent resistance
to magical spells and rituals. However, if you possess this merit you may
not possess any type of magic. The difficulties of all spells (beneficial
and malignant) are 5 higher. (+4) You can have magical abilities though
beneficial spells and malignant spells cast by another are still at 5 higher
Magic Susceptibility -2 flaw (VPG)
You are especially susceptible to
magical rituals and spells of various sorts. The difficulty to cast any
such effects upon you is 5 lower than the difficulty to cast the same ritual
on another.
Mark of the Predator -2 flaw (WPG)
Herbivores fear you and carnivores
see you as a threat. Animals will shy away from you are growl at you to
try to keep you at bay. The character cannot take this flaw if their
supernatural nature already makes them frightening to animals (vampires,
Moon Mad -3 flaw (BCB)
Your character becomes quite mad during
one of the phases of the moon. The character is the victim of dreams,
nightmares and portents during the full moon. The character has a
great deal of difficulty controlling themselves (add +10 to any rolls for
the character to control impulses +5 to resist frenzy if a frenzying supernatural
has this flaw). The character is violent and irritable. The
character's aura blazes with a white hot flame during this period.
Mystic Prohibition/Imperitive -1 to -5 flaw (c2nd)
This flaw works much like a geas except
a character cannot break a geas however a mystic prohibition can be broken
or ignored there are just differing consequences. Both the Prohibition
and the consequences are worth points. This flaw may be taken more
than once (with a completely different prohibition/imperitive. The
storyteller should carefully consider whether they want this flaw in the
game on a case by case basis also the storyteller ultimately defines the
number of points the total flaw is worth.
points | example of vow/ example cost of breaking |
-1 | vow: never break bread with a redhaired man |
-2 | vow: stop and pet every cat you see |
-3 | vow: never back away from a fight |
-1 | cost: flub the first highly significant roll in the story |
-2 | cost: bad luck for the entire story (add +5 to the difficulties of all actions also things just tend to go wrong for you) |
-3 | cost: bad luck for the rest of your life also your life will just go wrong. See effects above |
-4 | cost: lose all your friends and worldly possessions |
-5 | cost: die |
No Required Sleep +5 merit
You do not require sleep at all you
must relax for an hour or two each day. You make the perfect guard
and you can work on projects a great deal longer. You still suffer
fatigue but only require relaxation to remove it. In truly desperate
times you actually can work 20 or 23 hours a day with no difficulty.
Add the difficulty modifer for no sleep each 5 days of nonstop work.
All IP awards given for personal study
are increased by 1/2 (round to nearest). The character may also use
multiple teachers to use even more effectively the extra time they have.
No Required Sustenance +3 to +9 merit
For some reason you do not require
either food (+3) or drink (+3) or air (+5) to survive. This merit
may be purchased more than once. If you purchase two subtract 1 from
the cost of the second. If you purchase all three subtract 2 from
the normal total cost (making it cost +9)
Occult Library +2 merit (VPG)
You possess a library of occult materials,
of which you are not certain of everything that is found there. This library
is an invaluable source for research of all types. The extent of
the occult library is dependent on resources (though having the merit at
all assumes the character has a room stashed somewhere with an extensive
array of material even if the character has no resources). At level
5 resources the occult library is literally a library. The character
may also assume a level 5 resources for purposes of this if they have the
Offensive to Animals -1 flaw
This flaw may only be taken by one
who is not already supernaturally offensive to animals. Animals fear
and distrust you. Animals will see you as a threat and deal with
you as they would any other threat.
Pale Aura +2 merit (HH)
Anyone using aura perception of any
sort on you will believe you to be a vampire unless they make their aura
perception roll by +15 or more This has a lot of the same advantage
as Resemble Kindred.but only for those able to percieve auras
Past Life +1 to +7 merit (concept from C2nd)
You can remember 1 or more of your
previous incarnations. This allows several extra abilities.
The character must define one past life per point placed in this merit.
The character will occasionally know things that he could not know because
he knew it in another time and body.
The character may also attempt to
do things that their ancestor was good at. Roll Past Life rating
x2 + d10 difficulty 8 once per game session. For each
3 over the difficulty the character has they may gain two skill points
from this other self (rolling over 8 counts as 1). For each roll
after the first add +2 to the difficulty. Skills require the storyteller's
Werecreatures take the past lives
background instead of this merit.
Points | Description |
+1 | the character gets occasional flashes of information about some situations. This normally occurs in life threatening situations. |
+2 | the character remembers a few bits of information in a more clear form and may recognize persons met (despite body differences) |
+3 | the character can now occasionally do things that they normally could not. They remember details of 10 to 15 lives and feel expecially connected to three. |
+4 | the character has intimate knowledge of 20-25 lives and feels especially close to many key points in history. |
+5 | the character lived history and feels a close connection to many things. |
+6 | the character is a walking history of his lives having many connections to others. |
+7 | the character has an almost unbroken knowledge of the passage of lives back to the beginning in various forms |
Psychic +5 merit
The character is a psychic and may
spend freebie points to gain psychic gifts. If this merit is not bought
the character cannot become a psychic. Werecreatures cannot be psychics
spirits have access to psychic gifts without buying this merit.
Psychic Vampire -5 flaw (c2nd)
The spark of life in you is dying
and must be constantly fed. Each day you go without feeding you lose
two points of health. To feed you must willingly allow yourself
to drain the lifeforce around you. When doing so plants wither and
die and a touched human will take one health level of damage (though this
health level will heal in one day). The psychic vampire needs at
least one health level from a human, a humansized tree (which will die),
or the plant life in a relatively crowded area.
The character must make a Will roll
when the day nears ending and they have not fed (difficulty 8 + Body levels
lost) to avoid feeding anyway.
Regeneration +7 merit (c2nd)
For some unknown reason the character
regenerates naturally. Normal wounds regenerate at a rate of one
per hour of rest while aggrevated wounds heal at a rate of one per five
Repelled by Crosses -3 flaw (VPG)
You are repelled by sight of ordinary
crosses (just as if they were holy).
Repulsed by Garlic -1 flaw (VPG)
You cannot abide the smell of garlic,
and the smallest taint of scent will drive you from the room. The full
force of its pungent odor will bring tears to your face and render you
nearly blind, while its touch will cause you boils and even open wounds.
Ruse of the Beast +2 merit (CBG)
This power is availible to any supernatural
that can change their shape to that of an animal. In their animal
form they possess the Baby Faced Merit. In addition the Beast in
them is hidden supernaturally as well. It becomes very difficult
to detect the Supernatural's true nature (add +10 to any such roll's difficulty).
Sanctity +2 merit (SPG)
For some reason, everyone considers
you pure and innocent, though certainly not naive. You have a saint-like
quality that is hard to put a finger on, but others tend to see it in you.
You are trusted, even if you are not trustworthy. You tend to receive less
severe punishment than others who commit the same crime.
Silence +1 merit (SPG)
You have an unusual ability to move
quietly that goes far beyond the norm. Reduce the difficulties on any Stealth
roll involving moving quietly by +5. You are even able to move quietly
over things that normally make noise (such as dry leaves). This gives
up to an additional +5 to the roll to remove modifiers due to surroundings.
Silver Tolerance +5 to +7 merit (WPG)
May only be bought by those who are
normally harmed by silver.
For five points you can soak the damage silver does with
your BTM but it still causes aggravated damage. For seven points, the damage
done to you by silver is no longer aggravated and may be soaked normally.
Slip Sideways -1 flaw (WPG)
This flaw may only be taken by those
who can normally enter the Unbra under their own power.
You can't always control your passage
into the Unbra. Whenever you pass a mirror you may accidentally slip into
the umbra. Make a Will + Occult roll to avoid this affect.
You must still pass the Gauntlet of
the area you are in or your are trapped in between the physical and spiritual
world until you can find your way completely into one or the other realms.
You cannot leave the area of that Gauntlet until you manage get back into
the physical realm or pass the gauntlet.
Special Rapport +2 merit (SPG)
You have a special bond with another
being that extends beyond any type of bond you know of. You may not love
the other creature, but you have a special link to her. This link allows
you to always know when she is in trouble, when she is in pain, when she
is lying, and when she needs you. In return, she knows the same about you.
Both characters must buy this merit. The other creature is of approximately
the same power level as the pc buying this gift and may in fact be another
pc. The one's with the special bond often have to help one another
just to avoid the difficulties associated with this bond.
Spirit Companion +2 to +6 merit
The character has a spirit as a companion.
This companion may be the spirit of a human, animal or other. The companion
can offer advice and often see things you cannot. The character does not
have to have the Medium advantage to have a spirit companion though that
is the most common. Werecreatures may buy this merit as a pack for
one spirit companion. This merit may be bought more than once.
Points | Description |
+2 | The companion can speak to you when close. But otherwise only perceives the spirit realm. |
+3 | This companion can speak to you when close and can perceive the physical world as well. |
+4 | The companion can speak to you within fifty feet and has minor special abilities. |
+5 | Can speak to you within one mile. Has special abilities. |
+6 | This companion can speak to you within 10 miles. Has powerful special abilities |
Supernatural Companion +3 or +5 merit
The character has a supernatural companion
of some sort. This companion is any sort of companion that the character
may be close to (other than the spirits which are handled elsewhere). The
companion is approximately as powerful in her world as the character is
in his own. This relationship is two ways the companion may occasionally
need help and information as well. The companion has her own goals and
needs and is not always around. However, the companion is more powerful
than a powerful ghoul. Both characters must buy this merit.
To get a companion that is not frowned
upon by either two groups is a +5 merit. Examples are: a werecreature (child
or Gaia) and a Vampire, a Magus and just about anybody, a Demonkin and
a werecreature (Child of Gaia).
To get a companion that is normally
frowned upon by either two groups is a +3 merit. Examples are: werecreature
(warriors of Gaia) and just about anybody, a Talamaska member and just
about anybody, a weak demonspawn, a weak angelservant, or a Blessed priest.
Supernatural Spouse +5 to +7 merit
You share a relationship equivalent
to marriage (though not necessarily marriage by any other sense, it can
be a particularly powerful friendship) with another supernatural. The supernatural
is approximately your power level. Both of you would do just about anything
for the other. Together you make a very formidable force.
The spouse is as powerful in his world
as the character is in her own. The spouse also has equal status in his
world. The merit is a +5 merit if the spouse's world is a different one
than the character's own (ie a magus). This takes the spouse regularly
away and occasionally gets both involved in the other world's problems.
The merit is a +7 merit if the character's companion is a part of the same
society as the character. Both characters must buy this merit.
Surreal Quality -2 flaw (c2nd)
There is something about you that
others find fascinating especially mundanes. At inappropriate times,
they will stare at you and strike up a conversation in the hopes of getting
to know you better. Worse still, those mortals of a less savory nature
will chose you over other potential targets for their illicit acts. The
character must have an appearance of 6 or above to take this flaw.
Taint of Corruption -1 flaw (VPG)
Plants wither when you approach, and
will die if you touch them.
Taint of Wyrm -7 flaw (WPG)
You are touched by the Wyrm and corrupt
in the eyes of many other beings able to sense the corruption. In addition
to this the Demons will constantly be tempting you to further corrupt yourself.
You suffer bad dreams as manifestations of the Wyrm. Ridding yourself of
this corruption will be a major long-term undertaking and may not be possible
by normal means.
Thaumaturgy Affinity +5 merit
The character has a special affinity
for the magical workings of thaumaturgy. For this character thaumaturgy
is a clan discipline. The character must chose a particular primary
path that they have an affinity with.
Thaumaturgy still costs double to
buy. The usual explanation for this merit is a sire who was particularly
magically adept or coming from a powerful magically active family.
Throwback +2 to +5 merit or -1 to -5 flaw (concept C2nd)
The character is affected by several
of their past lives. They must have the past life merit or
background to some extent.
The merit gives you the ability to
roll dice to gain abilities twice as many times as you normally would and
lowers the difficulty to contact one particular life by one per level of
this ability.
The flaw version of this includes
several affects the -1 to -2 version gives you bad dreams and occasional
flashbacks (rather like the nightmares flaw but more often at -2).
The -3 to -5 version includes a fully
functional personality that works against your interests and occasionally
takes you over. The more powerful the entity the more the flaw is
True Love +1 merit (VPG)
You have discovered, but may have
lost (at least temporarily) a true love. Nonetheless, this love provides
joy in a torrid existence usually devoid of such enlightened emotions.
Whenever you are suffering, in danger or dejected, the thought of your
true love is enough to give you strength to persevere.
In game terms, this love allows you
to succeed automatically on any Will roll when you are actively striving
to protect or come closer to your true love. Also the power of your love
may be powerful enough to protect you from other supernatural forces at
the storyteller's discretion. The true love may also be a hindrance, and
require aid or rescue from time to time.
Vulnerability to Silver -2 flaw (SPG)
This flaw may only be taken by a supernatural
(or normal) who is not normally harmed by silver.
You suffer aggravated damage from
silver weapons and silver against your skin annoys you greatly
Mortal Society
These merits and flaws deal with the
character's influence, power and station within mortal society.
Academic Rival -1 flaw (1)
You have a rival who is competing
with you for the same knowledge or artifacts you pursue. Your rival could
be someone from your past or someone you have never met. The Storyteller
should design you rival and keep much of the information on his activities
from you until the proper moment. Your rival will constantly be seeking
to sabotage you or steal your work. The character must of course have a
character concept that this would affect. (No Street punks with academic
rival please).
Church Rank Variable merit
Build the church as an organization
(see organization creation rules).
Not necessarily all believers are members of the organization. For
most really large religions consider the church officials to be the organization
Church Ties +3
Use the organization creation rules
to create the organization. (see
organization creation rules). Use the organization ties merit.
Corporation CEO Variable merit
You are the leader of a corporation.
The storyteller will create the corporation (from player input) (see
organization creation rules).
As leader you have access to all of
the resources of the corporation. This merit also provides membership
in a rather exclusive club of corporate CEO's
Corporate Ties (VPG)
This merit is replaced with the Resources
special ability
You are believed because of your status
as a member of a group of people. The more widely this belief follows
you and the more powerful the group is the more this merit is worth.
This gives you access to the Credibility skill (defined below).
Cost | Description | Example |
+1 | A small subgroup within society with little power | Trekies, Deadheads, Natchitoches LA |
+2 | A large group within a society with some power | Country music fans, Austin TX |
+3 | A nation | USA |
+4 | International reknown | Anybody could believe |
Enemy -1 to -5 flaw (VPG)
You have an enemy, or perhaps a group
of enemies, who seek to harm you. The value of the flaw depends on the
power of the enemy. Enemies who are slightly less powerful than you but
a lot of influence and is hard to get rid of is worth one point. A two
point enemy is approximately your power level while the most powerful enemies
(an archmage, a demon who dislikes you especially) is worth 5 points.
Hunted -4 flaw (VPG)
You are personally pursued by a fanatical
witch-hunter who believes you are dangerous and should be stopped. All
those with whom you associate with may become targets as well but you remain
a primary target. This witch-hunter is highly skilled and lucky so very
hard to get rid of.
Judicial Ties +2 merit (VPG)
You have both influence and contacts
in the justice system. You know most of the judges and attorneys in the
prosecutor's department, and can affect the progress of various cases and
trials with limited difficulty. Though it is difficult to intervene in
a case you can influence it in one direction or another. These ties can
also make it easy to acquire certain legal documents (ex: search warrants).
Magazine Editor +3 merit
You put together and distribute
a full blown (though small run) magazine which now pulls in more money
than it cost you. You get even more privileges than for running a 'zine
as well as $500/month income. The character also has access to information
in an area that the magazine is about. Add +5 to any rolls to gather
information related to the magazines subject matter. The character
can often get into shows and clubs for free and may get free merchandise
from companies that wish you to review a product.
Mansion +2 merit (VPG)
You own a large mansion -- a home
with 25 or more rooms -- as well as the surrounding estate. The mansion
may have servants and they are provided for. They cannot be used as Herd
or Retainers without buying them as such, however. The mansion is assumed
to have the best security available and adequate running expenses to feed
and clothe all the people within it including yourself and your retainers
and herd. The mansion may be in as poor or as good a shape as you wish.
Media Ties (VPG)
This merit is replaced with the Credibility
special ability
Mistaken Identity -1 flaw (VPG)
You look similar to someone else and
are mistaken for her regularly. Both the allies and enemies of the individual
will mistake you for the other person. Also at times she will get credit
for things you did and vice versa. Ultimately you will be able to straighten
most things out but it is an inconvenience.
Mortal Double +2 merit (CBT)
You have in your service someone who
looks exactly like you. The double is a normal mortal (or a ghoul from
your own blood if vampiric). The double can move about and be places you
cannot due to disadvantages from your supernatural nature. The double does
not have to be bought as a retainer but is assumed to be one.
Nightclub +2 merit (VPG)
You own a moderate-sized nightclub,
perhaps one of the hottest nightspots in the city. This club brings in
enough money to support you in moderate luxury (add one to resources if
under 3), more important than the money is the prestige. You may use the
nightclub as a haven. The name of the nightclub, its style, design, and
its regular patrons are all up to you. Owners of nightclubs often hear
things that others do not.
Organization Enemy -1 to -10 flaw
See organization
creation rules. The character has an enemy in a megapowerful
organization. They cannot devote all their effort to tracking your
down but they will definately do you wrong if given the chance. The
more powerful the organization the more the flaw is worth. The organziation
is worth 1 point per 15 organization points spent in creating the organization.
The storyteller will create the organization
from a description and a number of points given to them by the character.
Organization Member variable
See organization
creation rules. The character is a member of a megapowerful organization.
The more powerful the organization is and the more powerful within the
organization you are the more the merit is worth. All points are
rounded to the nearest whole number.
The storyteller will create the organization
from a description and a number of points given to them by the character.
Member status | point ratio | Authority skill maximum |
Beginning member | 1 freebie / 20 organization points | 2 |
Low ranking member | 1 freebie / 15 organization points | 4 |
Mid ranking member in good standing | 1 freebie / 12 organization points | 6 |
High ranking member in good standing | 1 freebie / 10 organization points | 8 |
Inner circle leader | 1 freebie / 8 organization points | 12 |
Leader | 1 freebie / 5 organization points | 12 |
Park Department Ties +1 merit (WPG)
You have both influence over and contacts
with the local park rangers. You can cause certain people to be ejected
from the area and prevent others from entering. The connection to the park
is not exact and the more it is used the less effective it is. Also due
to the quick turnover in many parks the contacts must be maintained or
they are lost. They may also periodically ask favors of you.
Persistent Parents -2 flaw (WPG)
Your parents refuse to let your memory
lie, and actively search for you. To take this flaw you must have recently
been turned into a supernatural, be reasonably young, and must be trying
to hide this from them for some reason.
Police Ties (VPG)
This merit is replaced with
the Authority special ability
Rival -1 flaw (CBT)
You have an intense rivalry with another
being. You are always competing with this individual. In besting this individual
you will often go to extremes. This rival is hard to get rid of and associates
and tries to best you with the society that matters most to you.
Second Class Citizen-1 to -3 flaw (VDA)
The simple happenstance of birth has
made you second class citizen in the mortal world. The existence in that
class is relatively obvious. The points given for this flaw depends on
the time period, location, and class the character is. Examples -1 females
in the 1950s America, -2 black in the 1950's America, -3 black in medieval
Social Outcast -3 flaw (CBT)
You have severed your ties to society.
Except with social outcasts you do not fit and they will not accept you
completely either for some reason. It is very difficult to remove this
flaw once gained.
Underworld Ties (VPG)
This merit was replaced with the Streetdeal
special ability.
University Ties +2 merit (1)
You have influence and contacts in
the academic community. Perhaps you published several noteworthy papers,
or you have made substantial contributions, financial or otherwise, to
several university programs. You know how to get around the usual red tape
and have access to a wide range of research facilities and contacts.
Ward -3 flaw (VPG)
You are devoted to the protection
of a mortal. This character must be a friend or relative. This mortal is
either highly incompetent or is moderately competent but has a strong tendency
to get in over his head. The Storyteller will create all wards from player
description of him. If the character wants a competent "ward" that is handled
by buying the retainer background.
'Zine Editor (1 pt Merit)
You put together a small fanzine
of some sort, either printed or xeroxed. Right now its just a hobby and
takes up more money than it brings in. However you get to write about the
things that you want to and get into all the shows and clubs for free.
You also get tons of free records to review. The character also has access
to information in an area that the Zine is about. Add +3 to any rolls
to gather information in the subject area of the magazine.
These merits and flaws deal with your
physical makeup.
Addiction -1 to -7 flaw (C2nd)
You are addicted to some substance.
The effects of addition vary depending
on the drug you are addicted to.
Points | Effect/Addictiveness/Cost |
+1 | Effect: +1 bonus to Stat, Faster healing, Enhanced perception, |
+0 | Effect: Carcinogenic, Depressant, Euphoric, Aphrodesiac |
-1 | Effect: Hallucinagenic, Aggressive Behavior, Tremors, Paranoia, Delusions, |
-2 | Effect: Psychotic Rage, Irrational Fear |
-3 | Effect: Death, Nerve Degeneration |
+0 | Addictiveness: Moderate -- causes strong irritability or depression. Primarily Psychological must be taken 1/week |
-1 | Addictiveness: Highly -- Body rolls to avoid taking damage (1 block per missed dose), 1 dose /day |
-2 | Addictiveness: Severely -- Body rolls to avoid taking a lot of damage 1d6 per missed dose 1 dose/hour |
+1 | Cheap: costs you less than a dollar to get a dose |
+0 | Moderate: costs 5 to 10 dollars a dose |
-1 | Expensive: costs 10 to 25 dollars a dose |
-2 | Very expensive: costs more than 25 dollars a dose |
Addicted to Kindred Vitae -3 flaw (HH)
This flaw cannot be taken by a character
with an easy supply.
You need the rush vampire blood gives
you, when you drink it. You feel dead and listless otherwise. The longer
you go without Kindred Vitae the worse off you are. This flaw adds +2 to
the difficulty to all rolls for each week you go without kindred vitae.
This stays steady after 1 month and then gradually receeds at the rate
one die per week. If you have the opportunity at anytime you must make
a Will roll to not partake (though this Will roll difficulty goes down
the longer you manage to go without). If you partake the addiction is back
in full force.
Alcohol Tolerance +1 merit
Characters with this merit add
+5 to any Body rolls to resist becoming drunk.
Allergic -1 to -3 flaw (VPG)
You are allergic to some substance.
This substance incapacitates you if you intake it in any manner. Simply
touching the item will be enough to cause a partial reaction. If you drank
or ate the substance you add 10 to the difficulty of all rolls for the
next ten minutes. If you simply touched the item you add 5 to the difficulty
of all rolls for the next ten minutes. The commonality of the substance
defines how much this flaw is worth. There are also other reactions
appropriate for the substance. The examples below are for modern world.
Animal Musk -1 flaw (WPG)
Your smell is like an animal. This
adds 5 to the difficulties on social rolls where this would become obvious.
This does not bother other animals but humans find the smell strong and
slightly unpleasant.
Asthma -1 flaw (c2nd)
There are certain supernaturals that
cannot take this flaw because it would have no effect or their supernatural
nature does not allow it.
You have difficulty performing strenuous
tasks because you cannot breath properly. With asthma, your lungs
only pull in a fraction of the air that normal lungs do. Any time
that you exert yourself, you must make a Body roll against a difficulty
of 8 or be unable to perform any action on the next round while you catch
your breath. You also occasionally have attacks that can only be removed
by taking an inhaler. When having an attack the character can do
little but wheeze.
Catlike Balance +1 merit (SPG)
You possess innately perfect sense
of balance. You are able to land on your feet from a fall virtually every
time. You receive +5 on any rolls related to balance.
Child -3 flaw if unaging -2 flaw if aging (VPG)
You are physically a small child.
You must take the Small disadvantage if you have this disadvantage.
You have many social disadvantages and you also suffer a -3 to all rolls
to resist frenzy (if you frenzy)
Club Foot -1 flaw (CBN)
One of your feet is gnarled and deformed.
Your Run rating is halved.
Cyber Reject -3 flaw
The character's body cannot abide
cyberware. Their body rejects it. This flaw may only be taken
in a game that has common availability of cyberware. This also limits
the use of much of the modern cyber age and beyond medical technique (nanotechnology
does not work in your body). Vampirics may not take this flaw.
Deep Sleeper -1 flaw (VPG)
When you sleep, it is very difficult
for you to awaken. Add 5 to the difficulty of any roll to wake up. You
are never on time when it comes near when you normally get up. (That is
if you slept).
Deformity -3 flaw (VPG)
You have some kind of deformity --
misshapen limb, a hunchback -- which affects all interactions with others
and also affects you physically under certain circumstances (depending
on the kind of deformity)
You cannot have an appearance over
5. Also this deformity raises the difficulty on certain physical
tasks (defined by the type of deformity) by 5.
Disfigured -2 flaw (VPG)
A hideous disfigurement makes you
ugly and easy to notice as well as remember. You therefore have a zero
Disgusting +2 merit (CBN)
This merit is incredibly obvious and
makes you seem inhuman in some way. The storyteller makes the final decision
about whether this merit is allowed.
You have the ability to contort your
body and face in a way that is shocking and grotesque to others. By concentrating
for a turn and making a Will + (difficulty depending on the effect) you
may make your body do something truly disgusting (these things have no
real game affect except for the mental affect they have on others). Anyone
seeing this effect must make a Will roll (difficulty 10) They must
subtract 1 for each point below 10 they roll from all dice rolls for their
next action due to broken concentration.
Double-Jointed +1 merit (VPG)
You are unusually supple. Add +5 to
all die rolls involving body flexibility.
Efficient Digestion +3 merit (VPG)
This merit works slightly differently
for different sorts of supernatural. You draw more nourishment from whatever
you require to survive. You get approximately 3 units of food for each
2 you eat. This can come in handy at times but is most useful and worth
the points mainly for vampires or other supernatural that can only live
on a certain substance.
In the case of a vampire each 2 units
of blood drank gives you 3 units of blood.
Early Riser +1 merit (SPG)
You always seem to be the first to
rise and the last to go to bed. You get about one to two hours less sleep
than others and feel fine doing so. You will always get up first even if
you went to bed last.
Filth -3 flaw
Characters with this flaw are
exactly what it says, filthy. Their hair is matted, their clothes and bodies
haven't been washed in weeks, and their teeth are green. A character
with this flaw can not ever seem to stay clean. Add 5 to the difficulty
to any roll social roll where the other person can tell they are dirty.
Foul Blood +3 merit (CBN)
This flaw is incredibly obvious and
makes you seem inhuman in some way. The storyteller makes the final decision
about whether this flaw is allowed.
Your blood tastes truly awful. Opponents
who bite you in combat must make a Will roll (difficulty 10) or spend the
next turn retching and gagging. If you are ever cut your blood also smells
very foul.
Hemophiliac -3 flaw (HH)
This flaw may only be taken by a mortal.
If you get cut, you will not stop
bleeding without medical attention. Any Vampire who bites you will find
that they cannot seal the wound with a lick.
Huge Size +4 merit (VPG)
You are abnormally large in size,
possibly around seven feet tall and around 400 lbs. Add +3 to the Body
Type Statistic. The character must have a Body Type of at least 5
to take this merit.
Immunity +1 to +6 merit
You are immune to the normal effects
of some subtance. The more likely the subtance is to effect the character's
continued existance and functioning the more this merit is worth.
Immunities may be broad (poison), general (snake venom), or specific
(coral snake venom). An example of a +1 immunity might be alcohol
while a +6 immunity might be a type of magic (ie vampiric disciplines,
thaumaturgy, fairie powers). The character simply isn't effected
by any but the most powerful effects. One who is immune to fire could
survive being burned at the stake without any problem though couldn't survive
anything that would melt most metals. The character subtracts up
to 10 d6 of damage from any damage from the source of the immunity. Though
there may also be other side effects from an immunity.
Lack of Scent +2 merit (WPG)
You produce no scent, or your scent
is extremely faint. You are hard to track by smell. All attempts to track
are at +5 difficulty. This tends to make creatures who rely on smell greatly
a bit nervous (ex: dogs, coyotes, wolves).
Lame -3 flaw (VPG)
Your legs are injured or otherwise
prevented from working effectively. Your run rating is quartered
Lizard Limbs +1 merit (CBN)
This merit is incredibly obvious and
makes you seem inhuman in some way. The storyteller makes the final decision
about whether this merit is allowed.
When your limbs are restrained or
grappled, you may make a Will roll (difficulty 12). If you succeed, you
may "shed" that limb, leaving it in your opponents grasp while you escape.
The limbs may be regrown normally as if it was nonaggravated damage.
Longevity +2 merit (WPG)
This merit is useless unless you are
an aging creature of some sort.
You are extremely long lived. You
do not suffer aging effects until you are 85 + years of age. You can expect
to live well into your hundreds (120-130 years old) baring accidental death.
Long Fingers +1 merit (CBN)
This merit is incredibly obvious and
makes you seem inhuman in some way. The storyteller makes the final decision
about whether this merit is allowed.
Your fingers are unnaturally long
and spidery. (around 8 inches long each). You gain one extra die to all
dice pools involving digital coordination or grappling (with your hands).
Monstrous -3 flaw (VPG)
There is something wholly monstrous
about you, something that makes you incredibly hideous. You scarcely look
human, but the manner in which you differ is up to you. Your appearance
is zero and you suffer a +5 difficulty to most social rolls (storyteller
discresion). Samedi or other naturally incredibly ugly creatures
cannot take this flaw.
Mute -4 flaw (VPG)
This flaw is not suggested for player
characters due to the game difficulties caused by it
Your vocal apparatus does not function,
and you cannot speak at all. The player may only speak to announce his
actions or to communicate with another who understands the communication
form the mute character uses. The character has a 6 in sign language
for free without spending any point in it.
One Arm -3 flaw (VPG)
You have only one arm -- chose which.
This wound is severe enough that is cannot be healed easily for any person
who took it. For the beings with very high regeneration assume that a demon
touched it and it fell off or something equally horrible to make it not
heal. You suffer at +5 to the difficulty to any task which would normally
need two hands to accomplish and some tasks simply cannot be done without
two hands.
Oversized Fangs +1 merit (CBN)
This merit is incredibly obvious and
makes you seem inhuman in some way. The storyteller makes the final decision
about whether this merit is allowed.
You have long fangs which may be grown
longer at will. You do an additional d6 damage when you bite someone. You
may if you chose to be obvious about it add +3 to intimidation rolls.
Oversized Mouth +1 merit (CBN)
This flaw is incredibly obvious and
makes you seem inhuman in some way. The storyteller makes the final decision
about whether this flaw is allowed.
Your mouth is huge and you are able
to open it much like a snake. For vampires this allows them to drink blood
at a faster rate. Two blood points per turn instead of one. For others
simply use your imagination on the uses of it.
Paraplegic -6 flaw (VPG)
This flaw is not suggested for Player
You are limited to a wheelchair (or
special power that allows you to fly). Your hands and arms work fine but
your legs are paralyzed. This flaw will affect every aspect of your character's
life and functioning.
Parasitic Infestation -2 flaw (CBN)
This flaw is incredibly obvious and
makes you seem inhuman in some way. The storyteller makes the final decision
about whether this flaw is allowed.
You are covered with various insects
due to a secretion from your skin. You cannot command or control these
vermin in any way. If you are vampiric the vermin drink from 1/4 to 3/4
blood points from you a night. The insects cause a constant rash and irritation
increasing by two all resistance rolls to frenzy (if prone to frenzy).
To other types of creature the insects
will do 1/2d6 generalized damage per night due to the feeding they do on
Patagia +4 merit (CBN)
This merit is incredibly obvious and
makes you seem inhuman in some way. The storyteller makes the final decision
about whether this merit is allowed.
You have grown large flaps of skin
under your arms, You may use these flaps of skin to glide short distances.
Poisonous Blood +3 merit (HH)
Your blood is poisonous to those that
live on the blood of others. Every blood point that a vampire drinks from
you causes 1/6d6 damage to them (this is nonaggravated damage).
Potent Blood -4 flaw (HH)
Your blood is very potent to vampires
and they will desire to drink it. Your blood is a x5 multiplier to the
blood strength. Vampires who are in your presence must make constant Will
rolls if they are below 1.5 blood volume points to not drink your blood.
Putrescent -3 flaw (CBN)
This flaw is incredibly obvious and
makes you seem inhuman in some way. The storyteller makes the final decision
about whether this flaw is allowed.
This flaw makes you constantly rot.
Your BTM is reduced by one. If you are jarred or hit violently you must
make a Body Type roll (difficulty 8). If you fail one of your facial
features or a chunk of your body will fall off. This damage is unaggravated
unless you botch. If you botch one of the points of damage is aggravated
and a large chunk falls off (ie a limb). The body parts that fall off will
regrow. In addition to this the creature exudes an odor of slightly dusty
Resemble Kindred +2 merit (HH)
You look like a vampire which can
cause people who know about vampires to confuse you for one. This can have
advantages and disadvantages. Anyone who thinks you are a vampire will
be using methods that would harm a vampire which might or might not do
as much damage to you.
Short -1 flaw (VPG)
You are well below average height,
and have trouble seeing over high objects and move quickly. Your run rating
is only 1/2 its normal value. Also the Storyteller should make sure
you height is taken into account in all situations. In some circumstances,
this will give you a concealment bonus.
Sign of the Wolf (Beast) -2 flaw (WPG)
You resemble shapeshifters of legend.
You have all the legendary signs of shapeshifters and monsters of legend.
Your eyebrows have grown together, there is hair on your palms, your second
and third digits are the same length. In extreme cases a pentagram appears
on your palm near the time of the full moon. This makes it hard to hide
from witch hunters and the exceptionally superstitious will avoid you.
Slow Healing -3 flaw (SPG)
You are slow to heal all wounds. This
flaw can be dangerous. Double the time or cost of all wound healing. A
vampire must spend twice as many blood points to heal wounds, immortals
only heal at half the rate. Any attempts to heal you by others are only
half as effective.
Slimy +2 merit (CBN)
This merit is incredibly obvious and
makes you seem inhuman in some way. The storyteller makes the final decision
about whether this merit is allowed.
Your skin secretes slime like that
of a worm or mollusk. Difficulty to grapple you is 5 higher.
Also you have a +3 BTM for purposes of soaking fire or similar damage.
Small -3 flaw
You are incredibly small three to
four feet tall and proportional to your size. Your run rating is only 1/2
its normal value. This affect has some small advantages as well as disadvantages
and should be constantly kept in mind.
In addition you cannot have a Body over 3 (for purpose
of adding body later if temporary allow them to spend IP to increase their
Body). If you take the child flaw you must take this flaw.
This flaw is worth one less point
if it is a temporary thing. IE a mummy that has a time as a young child.
A young mortal.
Strict Carnivore -1 flaw (WPG)
This flaw cannot be taken by creatures
who are already limited to a certain kind of food (like a vampire).
You derive no nourishment from vegetables,
and must rely solely on meat -- preferably raw. It is hard for you to subsist
on desolate landscapes where hunting is scarce.
Swarm Attractor +2 merit (CBN)
This merit is incredibly obvious and
makes you seem inhuman in some way. The storyteller makes the final decision
about whether this merit is allowed.
You must have at least some ability
to affect and control animals. Your skin excretes a grease that attracts
flies, gnats, bees and other flying insects. While the insects normally
buzz about you passively in a thick cloud. You may command them in a limited
fashion. The bugs may travel up to twenty feet from you in a swarm and
swarm about someone. The swarm does no damage, but any being caught in
the swarm must make a Will roll (difficulty 10). If the roll fails, the
victim adds 5 to the difficulty of all die rolls that turn. If the roll
botches he may make no action at all that turn.
Teenager -1 or -2 flaw
You have various legal difficulties
due to your apparent age which is for two points somewhere between 12 -
14 and for 1 point somewhere between 15 - 16. Seventeen year olds can pass
for 18. This flaw is worth more or less depending on the time period.
This flaw is only worth one point
period if the character is aging normally.
Tough Hide +2 merit (CBN)
This merit is incredibly obvious and
makes you seem inhuman in some way. The storyteller makes the final decision
about whether this merit is allowed.
Your skin is thick and leathery resembling
that of a pachyderm. You add +1 to your Body Type Modifier.
Versatile Sleeper +2 merit
The character does not have to sleep
in long stretches. He can by simply napping 10 or 20 minutes at a
time get the equivalent of a full night's sleep. Add +5 to the daily
total of IP given to the character since they do not waste the time that
most do in sleeping.
This list of
merits and flaws is a catchall category that affects your social interactions
with all social creatures this set of merits and flaws crosses the line
between all societies of which you are a part.
Flaming -2 flaw
Although lifestyle and sexual
preference is not in itself a Flaw this social flaw defines the extent
to which the social disadvantage of appearing gay.
You appear to only like people
of the same sex for sexual or emotional attachments. Characters with
this flaw are the stereotype of the Gay person. For a lesbian they
are butch and very male in appearance. For a gay man they are very
effeminate and have a killer fashion sense. Characters may
alternatively be very open about their preference and tell everyone (wear
gay pride buttons teeshirts with "fuck abstinance try homolove" etc).
Characters with this flaw do not actually have to be gay nor do all characters
who are gay have to have this flaw. However, even when dating the
opposite sex others believe you are pretending.
In most situations add +3 to
the difficulty of social rolls. Add +5 to the character's social
rolls in certain communities known to be "gay friendly". If you are
believed to be "pretending" both sets of rolls are +3 difficulty.
Slut -2 flaw
You are perceived by others
to either put out for almost anybody or sleep with anything that will have
you in bed with them. In your chosen crowd add +5 to any dice rolls to
pick someone up but on all other social rolls add 5 to the difficulty simply
because people in the scene lack respect for you. This is only a
1 point flaw for a Hetaerae since it is considered to be forgivable behavior
due to the nature of their clan.
Transvestite +1 merit or -2 flaw
Characters with the transvestite merit
have an uncanny ability to appear as the opposite sex if they wish.
Characters with the transvestite flaw
feel a strong need to dress up as a member of the opposite sex and are
fairly obviously dressed up that way. Add +5 to the difficulty of
social rolls at the storyteller's discretion.
Twisted -2 flaw
Although most people have their
little quirks, a character with Twisted has at least one that make other
people's mouths drop. It is either obvious to others who get to know the
character or they feel free to tell acquaintances as they see nothing wrong
with whatever it is that merits this Twisted weakness.
A few examples are necrophilia,
a dead animal collection, extreme fetishes, being unable to sleep in anything
but a coffin (for any society but vamp), or an emotional desire for small
mammals, the character sees this as a perfectly acceptable and desirable
way of life.
Add 5 to the difficulty on any
social rolls when others know of your "quirk"
Top of page
Merits and Flaws Index
Beastial | Lillanite Vampire | Camarilla Vampire | Sabbat Vampire | Anarch Vampire |
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