The primary paths of Thaumaturgy
must be learned to allow the learning of other Thaumaturgical paths.
These are also the allowable paths for the use of rituals. The level
of the primary path defines the maximum level ritual that can be cast.
There are a few rituals that may be limited to a particular path of Thaumaturgy.
Common sense will dictate these. If the ritual would be no use to
any but the normal possessors of that path then it requires that path.
The primary paths are Blood Thaumaturgy, Demonic
Thaumaturgy, Earthly Thaumaturgy (not defined
yet coming soon), Godly Thaumaturgy, Spirit
Thaumaturgy and Vitae Thaumaturgy.
There is also a list of a few ideas for other
paths of power.
Blood Thaumaturgy
The path of Blood is the path that most vampiric
Thaumaturges follow. It allows for manipulations of blood to power
magic. Included below are the levels that were sufficiently changed
from their original form.
Note: Lillanite
vampires may use the path of Blood.
A Taste for Blood
This ability is a variety
of perception based abilities that require touch or blood to use. You may
determine how much blood a mortal has, how much blood is in a kindred,
how powerful the blood is, or where the person the blood came from is at
that very moment. The practitioner may also identify the sire or parent
of the person this is used on. The use of the ability requires touch or
fresh blood from the person. The
vampire makes a Magical + thaumaturgy (difficulty character's Will rating
+10). The number of successes determines how much can be told.
OO Blood
With but a touch, the character can force another
to spend their blood (if they are a creature capable of spending blood).
The blood is spent as the thamaturgist wishes. The practitioner rolls Magical
+ thaumaturgy (difficulty equal to target's Body Type rating +10) to effect
the character. Each success is allows the thamaturgist to make the victim
spend one blood point as the thaumaturgist wishes.
Blood of Potency
You may perform manipulation
on your blood. Roll Will + thaumaturgy (difficulty 15) successes must be
spent to decrease generation and create a duration in hours. If no successes
are spent on duration the effect lasts for one turn. A
practitioner may learn disciplines of higher than normally allowed level.
However, the disciplines only function when under the effect of Blood Potency.
Add +3 IP/level to the cost of any disciplines learned in this manner.
OOOO Theft of Vitae
You can mystically transfer blood into your system
from a distance. The practitioner rolls magical + thamaturgy difficulty
14 for nonliving object or target's Will + 10 for another being. The number
of successes determines the number of blood points transferred. The thamaturgist
may limit the number drained willingly. The source must be within 50 feet
and in clear view, and the victim will feel something drained from them
in the general direction of the thamaturgist (though most don't know what
it means).
OOOOO Cauldron of Blood
You are capable of manipulating others' blood. By
touching another, you are able to boil her blood, not only causing aggravated
damage but also removing blood from the system.
The Character rolls Will + Thaumaturgy against a
difficulty equal to the number of blood points the vampire wishes to boil
+ Target's Will +10 . The victim takes 1/2 d6 points of damage to a random
location for every point boiled.
Demonic Thaumaturgy
Demonic thaumaturgy disguises itself as the other
forms of magic. Therefore, the magus spends the most common primary path
of magic. Blood Thaumaturgy for Vampires, and Vitae Thaumaturgy for others.
It does not have any of the special abilities but the powerpool is the
same. Demonic Thaumaturgy recovers at a rate of 1 per 8 hours giving
an average of 3 per day.
This power reveals the character to the demons from
Hell. The character can sense Hell's influence on another. On a Magical
+ Thaumaturgy (difficulty the target's Will +8) the practitioner can detect
various bits of information.
Successes | Effect |
flub | completely false information |
1 success | Target's remaining self. This detects any loss of self from many different sources. (Essence loss, vitae drained recently, soul loss recently, recent Beastial gains) |
2 successes | Target's strength of self. (Beastial rating Willpower rating within 1, Will rating within 1) |
3 successes | Target's primary path of thought (this works much like auspex level 2 except it only reads the deeper ways of living and thinking) |
4 successes | Target's master. (this will detect any mystical bonds between them and another.) |
5 successes | Target's place in the heirachy. (Where are they in Hell's view? who do they serve. Whom does this give them command?) |
OO Recieve
This power allows the servant to gain additional
demonic power to cast spells. To decide the exact number of points gained
roll Will + Thaumaturgy skill + Beastial by a difficulty number decided
by the demon master's pleasure with the character. Each success gives one
extra demonic power for that day.
The practitioner may also give away the soul of
another or himself for 1 demonic power/10% of the soul. Gaining the soul
of another usually requires torturing them until they give it to you or
blood binding them. The demonic power gained in this way does not go away
until spent.
Difficulty | Circumstance |
Dif 30 | Practitioner has worked against the demon's wishes recently. |
Dif 20 | Practitioner has not done anything in the demon's interest recently. (last month or so) |
Dif 18 | Practitioner is working slightly towards the demon's interest. |
Dif 15 | Practitioner working actively to accomplish the demon's goals. |
Dif 12 | Practitioner is a zealot. Working and risking death constantly to accomplish the demon's goals. |
Call Imp
The practitioner may call a minor spiritual
servant from Hell. Roll Will + Thaumaturgy (difficulty 15). This
servant does have his (or his master's) own reasons for accepting the call.
They will not work against the practitioner's interests but they may have
their own mission while out of Hell. Also the imps must be allowed
some freedom of movement while in the outer world or they will not return
when needed.
The Imp's power level is effected by the number
of successes. The imp appears for one day per success.
Successes | Effect |
flub | The Imp is angry with you and will travel with you for one day working against your interests. |
1 success | The Imp is as powerful as a typical mortal. |
2 successes | The Imp is as powerful as a typical ghoul. |
3 successes | The Imp is as powerful as a strong ghoul. |
4 successes | The Imp is as powerful as a weak vampire (newly created). |
5 successes | The Imp is approximately pc base level. |
Flames of Hell
The practitioner may lace other physical rituals
with Flames of Hell. Any ritual cast in this way is harder to resist. Only
supernatural resistance counts (Fortitude, Werecreature's gained BTM from
changing shape). The practitioner may also spend points from their demonic
pool to up the damage of these rituals +1d6 die aggravated damage/2 points
However, for anyone who can detect it is obvious.
Therefore, it must be cautiously used. (Auspex level 2 when on detects,
spirit sight detects, etc). To those able to see the Flames of Hell
it resembles a redblack tint to the spells effect.
OOOOO Hordes of Hell
The practitioner releases a small number of
relatively small spirits from Hell. They range in size from midsized dog
to rat. The Horde has the equivalent powerlevel of these creatures except
they are only as solid as they wish to be. Roll Will + Thaumaturgy (difficulty
18). Each success gives the equivalent power of a midsized dog (about 4
rats). the horde remains for one turn/success.
The hordes are under the practitioner's command
though they tend to interpret the commands in a way that allows them to
cause the most mayhem. The hordes may be fought with hands and claws and
with supernatural affects but otherwise are noncoporeal creatures.
Earthly Thaumaturgy
These magics are reserved for specific types of
shamanistic training found most often among the Native Americans and Eco
Spiritual traditions. Earthly Thaumaturgy uses either the blood or
vitae pool depending on whether they would use blood or vitae by their
supernatural nature.
The practitioner's Avatar is Awakened. The
Avatar is usually in the form of an animal. This avatar guides the
character and cannot be destroyed.
Game effect: 1/game session the practitioner can
ask advice of the Avatar. (Though the Avatar might have a higher purpose
in mind and may not know.) The Avatar has knowledge of all of the
practitioner's past lives as well as his time as a spirit.
OO Sense
the True Form
The practitioner can sense the true form and supernatural
nature of any person they can see and talk to closely. This requires
a Magical + Thaumaturgy roll (difficulty equal to the target's Will rating
OOO Take the True
The practitioner can take their avatar form.
The Avatar form is an idealized version of the real animal. It has
all the capabilities of the animal simply extended slightly. This
takes 1 turn and costs 2 vitae to shift. (Imaginary animals are possible
but the storyteller should strongly consider game balance when allowing
these animals).
OOOO Travel the Summerlands
The practitioner can take the form of a spirit and
travel to the summerlands (or anywhere else but the summerlands are easy
to them). They gain all advantages of an astral creature when traveling
in this way. The character's body is left behind when they travel
in this way. To take spirit form is a Will + Thaumaturgy skill (difficulty
Gauntlet of the area +10)
The practitioner can borrow or give energy to the
Summerlands while there. The character gains power from the Summerlands
equal to 5 vitae per success. The character rolls Will + Thaumaturgy
(difficulty 15).
The practitioner can also travel the summer lands
for solace and protection. When in the Summerlands add +10 to any
resistance or countermagic effects.
OOOOO Become
The practitioner can take the form of any natural
animal that they have studied (100 IP/form). The practitioner is
a member of the species in all effects though he may become human again
at will. The process takes 1 full minute to take any form (including
human). When the practitioner gains this ability assume he has access
to two forms (chosen by the practitioner) all others must be purchased.
Godly Thaumaturgy
This path of Thaumaturgy is practiced primarily
by Priests of different religions. This magic only works as long
as the magus stays true to his god's code. This code may differ slightly
depending on whether the magus is a priest or layman as well as differ
by sect.
Losing sight of their code has differing effects.
The primary system affect is the loss of ability to gain additional power.
Subtract one from holy power gained for each major transgression.
These may be gained back by repentence as well as appropriate personal
Godly Thamaturges gain power from worship.
They gain 3 Additional Power (ie Vitae) per day from a daily regime
of prayer. The number of Power that can be held differs depending
on how true they are to their code of conduct. Any day their is a
major transgression they gain no Power for that day they also can gain
no additional Power (except for the vitae recovery) until that transgression
is forgiven. The mages' Power+Vitae maximum is equal to 10 x their
true faith rating. .
O Ritual
The practitioner of Godly Thaumaturgy may increase
the effect of a single cast ritual by casting it with fellow worshippers
and an excepted holy ritual (baptism, communion etc). The holy ritual
must be one that the worshipers believe in though they do not necessarily
have to believe in the magic itself. The magical incantation cast
must be one that the worshipers would agree. Double the effectiveness of
any ritual cast in this way.
An example of this use would be a ritual to heal
one of the congregation's worshippers while the magus is doing a baptism
or song of dedication. The magus must do the holy ritual and be accepted
as appropriate to do the holy ritual.
OO Prayer
The practitioner of godly magic may ask a god's
blessing for a particular endeavor. The endeavor must be one that
fits within a holy mission (strictly up to the storyteller). However,
all rolls directly affecting the success of the mission are treated as
if the roller possessed charmed existence. The length of time that
this blessing lasts may be quite long though the mission must be direct.
An example of a suitable mission: Defeat that vampire's attempt to
take over our city. An example of an unsuitable mission: Defeat
evil in the world.
The practitioner rolls Magical + Thaumaturgy difficulty
normally 15. For each success one additional person may be under
the effect of the prayer though the mission must be the same.
The magus may only have one prayer going at one
time and the prayer continues until complete.Therefore, they tend to be
cautious and direct with their prayer.
OOO Bless Object
The practitioner of Godly magic may put the power
of a ritual within a holy object. The ritual may not be over level
5 the magus must be able to cast the ritual. This object is considered
to be a holy object. Difficulty is equal to 12 +4/level of ritual.
The object remains magical for 1 week per success. Occationally an
object may remain magical due to a god's direct blessing during the casting.
Often the magus does not know the object is one of these blessed.
Use of this ability costs 5 Power.
OOOO The Holy Power
The magus may gain Power at a faster rate directly
from a worship service. The worship service must be one compatable
with the magus's code. However, by simply attending the magus can
gain Power at a variable rate depending on the number of true worshippers
(this is more common than true faith in an average service 1 in 15 worshippers
is a true worshipper). They gain one Power per true worshipper.
For unknown flocks of worshippers roll one die per 10 persons attending
the service. For each roll of 8 or more there is one true worshipper.
For a simpler method for truly gigantic worship services roll a die for
each 100 worshippers add all the dice together.
This number may exceed the practitioner's normal
Power maximum. The practitioner then loses one Power per hour until
all the extra Power is gone.
OOOOO Call Avatar
The magus may for a holy mission request the direct
intervention of a minor avatar. The avatar usually assists in very
subtle ways however, this is only a preference. The avatar may also
fly down with wings blazing. The angel is one of the many lower minions
of the god.
Roll Intelligence + Thaumaturgy + (storyteller's
modifier based on the nature of the mission -5 to +5) difficulty
18 the number of successes defines how quickly the avatar arrives and how
powerful it is.
Spirit Thaumaturgy
The practitioner's of spiritual thaumaturgy access
the primary vitae source of the character using either the vitae pool or
the blood pool to cast rituals. However, they gain none of the special
Spiritual Awareness
The practitioner may sense the presence of spirits
and objects with unusual umbral existence. Roll Magical + Thaumaturgy
with a variable difficulty (difficulty starting at 12 for incredibly easy
tasks and 25 for incredibly subtle differences). This gives very
basic information.
Successes | Effect |
flub | Completely false information |
1 success | The practitioner knows that a spirit is nearby. He gets a chill down his spine near powerful umbral objects. |
2 successes | The practitioner has a general idea of the origin of the spirit whether it is Angelic, Demonic a servant of another god or free. The practitioner also understands the very basic nature of umbral objects (Destruction, Creation) |
3 successes | The practitioner knows the spirit is nearby and more specific area. The umbral object is obvious to the touch. |
4 successes | The practitioner knows a spirit is nearby and a sense of the spirit's purpose (attack, mope, contemplate). |
5 successes | The practitioner knows the spirit's name (not true name but a name to call it.) |
OO Percieve
Spiritual World
The practitioner can percieve the spirit world with
all five of his senses. This only allows viewing of the near umbra
and astral realm since the rest is too far from the preceptions of the
character. This ability must be turned on and causes a +3 difficulty
to all perception rolls in the physical world.
OOO Call
The Thaumaturge may call a minor spirit. The
spirit may take almost any form and remains for one scene per success.
The spirit must be called for by purpose. The Thaumaturge sends a
message into the Umbra. "May I borrow the assistance of a spirit
who can ...." or "may I borrow the assistance of a spirit who knows
...." The spirit may ask for some of the character's vitae depending
on the spirit and the task. Roll Will + Thaumaturgy (difficulty 15).
The spirit takes 5 turns - 1 turn/success to get to the character.
Especially esoteric tasks may have both a difficulty modifier and a time
Note: as an alternate rule specific spirits may
be called and a number of spirits may be possessed at 25 IP for weak spirits
and 50 IP for medium power spirits and 100 IP for powerful spirits
This would be an addition to the call general spirits power above.
The IP are an example of a spirit's fondness and willingness to come and
help the character.
Successes | Effect |
flub | The Spirit is angry with you and will travel with you for one day secretly working against your interests. |
1 success | The Spirit has generally the abilities and knowledge you asked for. |
2 successes | The Spirit has the abilities and knowledge you asked for |
3 successes | The Spirit has the abilities and knowledge you asked for and some you did not anticipate needing. |
4 successes | The Spirit seems to anticipate the needs you had. The spirit is the power level of a powerful ghoul. |
5 successes | The Spirit was a gift from the heavens. Everything you could need from them they have. The spirit is the power level of a base level vampire. |
The practitioner at this level of power gains two
abilities. The first is the ability to gain power from friendly spirits
by trading favors. Roll Will + Thaumaturgy (difficulty target's will
+10). Each success gives the practitioner one spiritual energy that
goes into their spell vitae pool. This spiritual energy fades after
one day.
The practitioner may also cash in on the death of
another being. Anytime a being dies they release a great deal of
vitae. The practitioner by preparing himself may take that energy
from them. The target creature must be killed by the practitioner's
own hand (small hand held melee weapons count). The target must have
a mystical symbol on their person. The practitioner must have had
at least 5 minutes to prepare himself for the ritual (this may differ depending
who the spirit thaumaturge's teacher was)
A few examples of preparation: Draw mystical
symbols on the forehead, wrists and feet; make a long slash in the palm
of their hand drink a bit of the blood; drink a cup of the target's blood.
Any power gained from sacrifice never goes away until spent. It is
contained at the bottom of the power pool. Many spirit mages use
sacrifice to prepare for major magical efforts.
Turning someone into a vampire does not count.
The target's spirit is not consumed simply his lifeforce.
Vitae Gained | Creatures |
5 | bat, rat |
7 | spider monkey, eagle |
8 | cat, small dog |
10 | large dog |
15 | cow, horse, greater cats, bears |
20 | human |
25 | psychic |
35 | werecreature |
45 | poweful werecreature |
OOOOO Control
The practitioner may summon unwilling spirits and
control their actions. The practitioner defines the task they wish
done. The practitioner rolls Will + Thaumaturgy (difficulty target's
Will +10). The spirit will remain for one turn/success.
Successes | Effect | Spirit's Power level |
Flub | The spirit is enraged and attacks the character. The spirit may not be compelled by the character for the duration of the scene. | The spirit is as powerful as an average ghoul. |
Failure | The spirit does not come. | |
1 success | The spirit is compelled to remain and to refrain from attacking any creature without the character's permission. The spirit must answer questions truthfully though they may twist the truth. The spirit must do minor tasks. | The spirit is as powerful as an average mortal. |
2 successes | The spirit is bound to do as the thaumaturge says though they may twist the meaning of what is said. | The spirit is as powerful as an average ghoul. |
3 successes | The spirit is bound to do as the thaumaturge says and must be honest about what abilities they possess. | The spirit is as powerful as a powerful ghoul. |
4 successes | The spirit is bound to remain peaceful, answer any questions without twisting the wording and perform any task that they are not strongly adverse to (ie kill something when they are strongly against killing). | The spirit is as powerful as a neonate vampire. |
5 successes | The spirit is bound to remain peaceful and obey the character completely. They may spend one willpower point per turn to act on their own volition. | The spirit is as powerful as a base level vampire. |
Vitae Thaumaturgy
Vitae Thaumaturgy is the power of magic that exudes
from the world itself. Life holds this force. The vitae Thaumaturge
learns manipulate the force within himself and then to access the force
from outside himself.
Unless otherwise stated all creatures have a Vitae
pool of 10. Vitae returns natually at a rate of 1 vitae per 8 hours (double
this rate when sleeping). This gives an average recovery rate of
4/day without touching ley lines.
Taste of Aura
This ability requires a piece of a person (or the
person present) and 5 minutes spent in a meditative trance. The thamaturgist
may examine that creatures aura to tell supernatural origin and basic power
of the aura. The thamaturgist must have knowledge of the supernatural type
to recognize it.
Mage Sight
Roll Magical + Thaumaturgy difficulty 15 to percieve
the environment's vitae levels. This allows detection of nodes, ley lines,
and vitae in an area.
This ability also allows detection of those that
manipulate vitae (vampires when spending blood, werewolves when spending
vitae or gnosis, psychics when using their abilities, and magus and thamaturgists
when using magic.
Roll Will + Thaumaturgy difficulty 15
The thamaturgist may ground herself to the
vitae of the world making her very difficult to affect psychically or to
use any affects that affect her mind. Grounding takes one minute and is
in effect as long as she remains in the same area.
Grounding's primary purpose is to allow the
connection to energy sources without harm to the magus. If one success
is gained this is possible. However, the secondary affect is that for each
success the thamaturgist gains on grounding adds 3 to the difficulty to
affect the thamaturgist with mind affecting or psychic attacks. If there
is normally no roll given the person attempting to affect the thamaturgist
must make the roll at difficulty 15 +2 difficulty per success.
OOOO Connection
Roll Magical + Thaumaturgy difficulty 15 for ley-line
difficulty 18 for node. Special circumstances and guarded nodes may alter
this difficulty occationally.
This ability allows the thamaturgist to connect
to vitae sources outside of himself. These sources must be nearby (within
50 feet). The thamaturgist may connect to ley lines, nodes and some natural
vitae producing items.
The thamaturgist must be grounded or they take 1
point of damage per turn per 3 vitae gained from the source. Thamaturgists
may use these energy sources by spending them immediately or they may replinish
their vitae pools this way. They may also create an extra pocket inside
of themselves and hold extra vitae. The extra vitae holdable is equal to
the thamaturgist's willpower.
Nodes have between 15 to 20 vitae per turn while
Ley Lines have between 1 to 5 per turn.
This extra energy may be held for a length of time
decided by the number of successes rolled on the Connection roll.
successes | Time energy remains |
1 | success energy lasts for 10 minutes or until spent |
2 | successes 1 hour or until spent |
3 | successes 5 hours or until spent |
4 | successes 1 day or until spent |
5 | successes 3 days or until spent |
OOOOO Life's Vitae
The thamaturgist may take into himself living vitae
of an area or take his own vitae and place it into an area. (This area
is about 25 foot radius).
The thamaturgist must enter a meditative trance
which takes about 10 minutes to achieve. Once this trance is achieved the
thamaturgist may drain 1 point of vitae per minute
An area can fully replinish the affects of having
2 vitae drawn from it per hour. An area has 7 vitae in most cases. Once
the areas replinishable vitae is exceeded the area stops giving vitae until
the time period named below is passed.
If more than two vitae per hour are drained from
an area all living things in the area that cannot move will die. Nothing
will grow in the area for a period of time dependent on how much vitae
was drained.
Vitae taken from Area / Hour | Effect on Area |
2 | no foreseeable affect the area is able to replinish within an hour |
3 | nothing will grow in that area for 1 week takes a week to regrow vitae |
4 | nothing will grow in that area for 1 month takes a month to regrow vitae |
5 | nothing will grow in that area for 1 year takes a year to regrow vitae |
6 | nothing will grow in that area for 10 years takes 10 years to regrow vitae |
7 | nothing will grow in that area for 100 years takes 100 years to regrow vitae |
To replinish the vitae of an area that has been drained the 5 vitae must be spent per day for a period of time equal to one down on the time scale. Example 7 vitae drained means someone must spend 5 vitae daily for 10 years while 6 vitae drained means someone must spend 5 vitae daily for 1 year to help it recover. The land recovers slowly once the vitae is returned and plants must be assisted to help the area grow.
Other Primary Paths
This is a list of a few ideas for other paths of
Moon Magic -- gaining power from the moon. vitae gained varies
dependant on the moon phase
Sun Magic -- gains power from the light of the sun
Beastial | Lillanite Vampire | Camarilla Vampire | Sabbat Vampire | Anarch Vampire |
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