General Rules

What is Thaumaturgy?
    Thaumaturgy is the general magic of the world.  The Thaumaturgist is one who accesses the powers of the world and alters it by the use of carefully created  rituals, paths of magic and paths of power.  Some rituals can only be done with a great deal of preparation while others can be done in moments.
    Thaumaturgy came about in the early days of the age of reason.  When science and observable phenomenon became the path to information the common power of magic began to fade.  At that point the magus of the day were forced to invent the primary paths of thaumaturgy or lose their power.

How to Play a Thaumaturgist?
    Thaumaturgy is a practice in patience.  To be an accomplished thaumaturge takes months or even years of practice.  Thaumaturgists also tend to be characters steeped in mystery.  So much of their life is taken up by the practice and constant renewing of old skill.  This combined with a serious desire on the part of most Thaumaturgists to continue the mystery.

The Cost - character creation note
    The cost for a primary path of Thaumaturgy is as follows:
Freebie points Buying IP Buying
10 / dot 1 dot Thaumaturgy (clan)* 400 IP clan 750 normal 1st dot before game begins **
14 / dot 1 dot Thaumaturgy (normal) 350 IP clan 650 normal 1st dot after game begins **
50 IP x level (clan) dot in Thaumaturgy
80 IP x level (normal) dot in Thaumaturgy
* reserved for Settites and Virtualites  (Blood Thaumaturgy) and Demonkin (any) or those who buy Thaumaturgy Affinity (particular chosen primary path).
** This is only for buying the first dot.  Learning Thaumaturgy should take at least one year of game time for the truly obsessed and up to 5 years for all others.  storytellers will be limiting awards based on these figures.

Primary Paths of Thaumaturgy
    There are six common primary paths of Thaumaturgy. The primary path of Thaumaturgy is where the energy comes to work the magic. This path also defines the maximum level of ritual you can learn. Not all rituals directly cost a point of power but at least 1 ability in each path allows one to access the power source of their path.  The primary paths are either defined by the physical limitations of a particular being (Vitae and Blood Thaumaturgy) or the magical philosophical tradition that they hail from (all the rest).

The six common primary paths of Thaumaturgy are:

Demonic Thaumaturgy - This primary path may be learned by any. It uses the power given to one by a demon. The power gained usually require services of some sort

Earthly Thaumaturgy - This is the magical power inherent in the spirits of the Earth present everywhere.  One accesses this power through the gods of Earth.

Godly Thaumaturgy - This is the magical power of God. It is the only priestly magic allowed except for true faith. One gains extra power for Godly deeds.

Spirit Thaumaturgy - This primary path may be learned by any. It uses the power found in the spiritual life to gain extra power. Sacrifices are one of the powers.

Vitae Thaumaturgy - This primary path can only be used by those Connected to the power of life. It uses the power of the World's life force.

Using the abilities of a primary path of Thaumaturgy where rolls are called for involves rolling a skill (specific to each primary path of the same name) with a difficulty defined by the power.

Paths of Power
    The Thaumaturgy practitioner as well as having access to the abilties of his chosen path may also learn additional paths of power.  These paths are usually quite narrowly and simply defined.  These paths take 10x(GF-1)xlevel to purchase with IP and may not be purchased with freebie points at all. (If the storyteller wants it to be possible in his game he should give a few IP to start the game)
    See Wholistic Psychic Gift system. Therefore, the more powerful and versatile a path is the cheaper it is.
    All paths except the primary paths are limited to level 5.  No path of power may go over the level of the score in the Primary Path of Thaumaturgy.
    Paths of power require an individual skill in its use to use effectively (though a few may not storyteller's descresion)

    Rituals contain five essential aspects.  These aspects are: Level, components, casting time, effect time, effect and cost.  Everything else is description (often necessary description).  The level of the ritual defines how much training in a primary path of Thaumaturgy you must have to be able use that effect (ie dots in Thaumaturgy).  It has no real connection to how skilled you are but is instead defines the amount of connection you have to your power source.  Components come in four types: somatic (body motions) verbal (verbal speech) material (some necessary object) and preparation (long drawn out preparation that is not actually part of the ritual).  The casting time of a ritual ranges between seconds to days in length of time.  Effect time is how long the effect lasts ranging from instant to permanent.  The effect is what the spell actually does broken down in to the nitty gritty.  Cost is how many vitae (or blood the spell takes to cast).
    All rituals require the use of a skill called Rituals.  The Rituals skill is identical for all paths of Thaumaturgy.
    Rituals among a magical organization are actually fairly common.  For anyone belonging to a magical organization (Settites, Demonkin magical family, Alexandrian line, Order of Hermes, Bubasti) have 5x level rituals to begin with and may bargain for more with their peers.  For anyone who does not belong to such an organization they have 3x level rituals to begin but must work considerably harder to get new rituals.
    A character may pay 1 freebie point for 3 extra ritual levels or 1 freebie point for 6 extra levels if the character doesn't know them yet and the player has no choice about the particular rituals.
    The base difficulty to cast a ritual is 13 + 3/level.  Some rituals might have modifiers to this cost.  The Thaumaturgist must roll Magical + Rituals + d10 to cast a ritual.

Learning Rituals
    If the character has the ritual in hand (or has a teacher) now he has to learn the ritual.  The ritual takes 25 x level of ritual to learn.  The Storyteller may add multipliers to cost at their discresion.  To create a ritual requires 200 x level and again may have modifiers added.
    If the character is not completely fluent in the language of the ritual (or teacher) add a multiplier equal to 9-language level/2 (note no 1/2 modifier at 8) to the cost of the ritual.  Always round up.  Example: Joe wants to learn a 1st level ritual written in Chinese.  He picked up Chinese to the +4 level (9-4 = 5 /2 = 2.5) therefore to buy the ritual costs 25 x 2.5 = 63 IP.

Ceremonial Magic
    You can't go very far before you find stories of ten mages getting together for the casting of a major effect.  This alternative rule is added to allow for this possibility.  The character requires and extra skill in Ceremony.  Anytime a roll is required using thaumaturgy the lowest roll is used (between their rituals and Ceremony skill)
    See the text on Ceremonial Magic.
Beastial  Lillanite Vampire Camarilla Vampire Sabbat Vampire Anarch Vampire

World of Dimness
Game World
Sundering World
work in progress